Setting up licenses

These components require licenses:

  • Nuance Management Station
  • Nuance Recognizer
  • Nuance Vocalizer
  • Nuance Speech Server (if using the optional encryption)
  • Dragon Voice

Required and optional tasks after running the Speech Suite installer:

Licensing tasks Description

Pointing products to a remote license manager

If you run a licensed product and License Manager on different hosts, you must point the speech product to the License Manager location.

Loading license files

Optional. You can replace license files in License Manager at any time.

Configuring license checkouts

Required. Allocate ports used by each service in your deployment.

Modifying license files Optional. You can edit a generated license file. For example, to change its name or merge two license files.

Changing the license manager port

Optional. You can change the communications port used by the License Manager.

Starting and stopping License Manager

Optional. You can manually stop and start the license manager for troubleshooting purposes.