Configuring license checkouts

You must configure the number of ports used by each instance of each licensed service. This applies to all services you plan to run: Speech Server, Vocalizer, Nuance Recognizer, and the NLP service (needed for Dragon Voice).

Your license file specifies the total number of ports allowed for each service. If you run more than one instance of a service, set allocate ports so the sum equals the total allowed by your license. (The sum of all service instances must not exceed the total number allowed by the license file.) For example:

  • If the license allows 100 ports of Nuance Recognizer, and you run one instance of the recognizer, assign 100 ports.
  • If you run two instances, assign any combination that totals 100 ports. For example, configure 50 ports for each instance.

Each licensed service has a configuration parameter to specify the number of ports used.

Note: After setting these parameters, restart the services for the changes to take effect.

Service Parameter to specify ports
Nuance recognition service

swirec_license_ports and swiep_license_ports

  • If using the MRCP recorder feature, you need two swiep licenses for each swirec license.
  • If not using this feature, specify the same value for both.

For example, if you have a total of 200 Recognizer and 400 endpointer licenses, and are running two recognition services: set swirec_license_ports to 100 and set swiep_license_ports to 200 on each service instance.

Depending on the number of services, set values so the sum equals the total allowed by your license. For example, say you have a total of 200 Recognizer and 400 endpointer licenses, and the role runs two recognition services. Then you will need to set swirec_license_ports on each service to 100 and swiep_license_ports on each to 200.

Speech Server


Specify the maximum number of concurrently active SIP sessions.

Best practice—Set each Speech Server instance to the same value number of endpointer licenses configured on each recognition service.

The sum for all Speech Server instances should equal the number of available endpointer licenses allowed by your license. For example, if you have a total of 400 endpointer licenses, and are running two Speech Server instances, set this parameter to 200 on each service.

vocalizer service

Required: tts_license_ports (the number of working threads used by the Vocalizer service is 15% greater than this configuration).

Optional: tts_license_ports_overdraft_thresh

If using CPR features, set cpr_license_dynamic_ports, cpr_license_ports, and cpr_license_ports_overdraft_thresh.

NLP service
  • numberOfLicenses

  • See Managing license checkouts dynamically for information on managing license ports at runtime (using Management Station), and updating service properties from the command line.