
The number of licenses to check out during Recognizer initialization.


Integer: 0 or greater.


8 (licenses)

How to set

In Management Station set on the Nuance recognition service. If not using Management Station, set in a Recognizer configuration file (User-nrsxx.xml).

Restart Speech Server after setting this parameter. Alternatively, in the Management Station go to System Analysis→Capacity Management, select a host, and configure the license ports without needing to restart the service.


Frequently set during installation. The value is usually reduced during development, and set to the number of available licenses during deployment.

This parameter is the maximum number of simultaneous recognitions. It determines how many Recognizer licenses will be checked out during initialization.

The value is read during initialization, but can also be set dynamically at runtime. When using the MRCP recorder feature, set the swiep parameter to twice the value of the swirec equivalent. If you are not using the MRCP recorder feature, specify the same value for both swiep_license_ports and swirec_license_ports.

Note: This parameter controls the number of licenses, but not the features within those licenses. Use swirec_licensing_features to control the features.

This parameter belongs to a group of related parameters for endpointer and recognizer licensing. The group includes: