Dragon Voice recognition flow

Protocol messages between the Speech Server, the Natural Language Processing service, and Dragon Voice engines are conveyed over a WebSocket connection. WebSockets provide full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP connection. Text and binary frames are supported. The initial handshake is compatible with HTTP.

First, the engines register their capabilities with the Nuance Resource Manager:

Dragon Voice engine Capabilities registered for allocation by resource manager

Krypton recognition engine

Language, data pack topic, and data pack version.

Nuance Text Processing Engine (NTpE)

Same as above: language including data pack topic, and data pack version. (This engine is not used or needed for Krypton-only recognition.)

Natural Language Engine (NLE)

Semantic pipeline name and version, as well as IDs of any semantic models loaded. (This engine is not used or needed for Krypton-only recognition.)

This figure shows allocation of recognition and interpretation resources:

This figure shows the recognition-interpretation-tokenize flow: