Saving configurations with Management Station

You can use Management Station to save the entire network, a particular cluster, or an individual host’s configuration.

You save configurations as custom role files. Each file contains default settings plus your customizations.

  1. Make sure you have not enabled pop-up blockers.
  2. In the Management Station network view, select the scope:

    • Select Nuance Network and click Save Network Configuration to save the entire network.

    • Select that cluster and click Save Cluster Configuration to save a cluster’s configuration.

    • Select a host and click Save Host Role to save a host’s role.

  3. Enter a name for the role file in the dialog box that appears.
  4. Click OK. Management Station generates a new role and writes it to %NUANCE_DATA_DIR%\system\customRoles. The filename takes the form: Name_YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS.xml where the file Name depends on the scope:

    • When saving the network configuration, the name is Nuance Network.

    • When saving a cluster or host configuration, the name is the value of the Name field in the Network Design page.

  5. For backup purposes, copy the role file to a secure location.

When you store a configuration as a backup, you can restore or re-use it on hosts running the same Speech Suite version. As a best practice, save new backups after every upgrade. (If you upgrade Speech Suite, previously saved role files might require manual updates. For example, if the startup command, properties, or default values in the role file were changed during the upgrade.) To restore the saved configuration, see Re-using saved configurations.