Configuration during installation

During initial installation, you prepare the basic operational environment. Settings you make during installation seldom change afterwards. Important operational parameters:

  • Environment variables
  • Licensing parameters
  • Parameters in the SpeechWorks.cfg file
  • Nuance Speech Server parameters related to Recognizer.

This illustration shows a basic system. One Speech Server points to one Nuance Recognizer host. The parameters in SpeechWorks.cfg help to bootstrap the Recognizer, which then loads defaults that have been set on the Nuance recognition service in Management Station. This system is typical for application development:

A larger system is almost the same as a basic system. Normally, all recognition servers on a host share a single SpeechWorks.cfg and Management Station-set configuration.

Note: When modifying the SpeechWorks.cfg file, use the existing format as a model. Do not insert comments into the file.

Environment variable

System variable created by the Nuance Speech Suite installation:





Linux: /usr/local/Nuance/Recognizer

Windows: C:\Program Files\Nuance\Recognizer

Environment variable pointing to the Recognizer installation directory.

Licensing parameters

Recognizer cannot run without licensing. Development systems usually require fewer licenses, and production systems require more. A runtime error occurs if the configuration requests more licenses than are available.

Once set, the licensing parameters only need to change when changing licensing capacity or moving License Manager to a new host.





Number of licenses to check out during initialization of the speech detector (endpointer).

8 (licenses)


Specifies the locations of License Manager.



Specifies which features in the license file to enable at the start of each session.

(all features enabled)


The number of licenses to check out during Recognizer initialization.

4 (licenses)

There are additional licensing parameters for tuning purposes. See Troubleshooting licensing issues.

Site-specific parameters

Here are categories of parameters useful for various operational circumstances.