Configuring Dragon for Management Station

This topic is for sites using Management Station. Skip this topic if not using Management Station, and see Starting services without Management Station instead.

Dragon Voice services have specific configuration requirements depending on your Speech Suite deployment:

  • To run all Speech Suite components, including Dragon Voice, on a single host (all-in-one system), there are only a few Dragon Voice service properties you might need to set in Management Station.
  • To run Speech Suite components on multiple hosts (high-volume system), such as a dedicated host for the Krypton engine, you might need to configure multiple Dragon Voice services.

All-in-one system

Some Dragon Voice components require post-installation configuration for full functionality:

  • Krypton and NTpE require installing one or more data packs (downloaded from Nuance Network separately). If you have not yet completed this step, see Managing data packs.

    Krypton and NTpE load all installed data packs by default. No configuration is required unless you want to load a subset of the data packs, in which case you will need to specify the data pack names:

  • The Nuance Resource Manager requires Apache ZooKeeper to communicate with the Dragon Voice engines. If you have not yet installed ZooKeeper and configured Resource Manager, see Setting up ZooKeeper.

You must configure the NLP service for the number of ports permitted by your license. See Configuring license checkouts.

Note: The installation automatically imports the self-signed certificates of Dragon Voice engines into the cacerts trust store of the NLP service, thereby enabling client-server authentication. If the NLP service is unable to connect to the engines, you may need to import the certificates into the truststore. For example, the installation assumes that the truststore is located in the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) lib/security directory and uses the default password changeit. If you maintain your public key truststore elsewhere, or use another password, you will need to import certificates manually. See Securing connections with SSL/TLS.

High-volume system

For high-volume systems with different components run on different hosts in predefined configurations called roles, you need to set, or at least verify, the service properties described in the following table:

Component Parameter
Natural Language Processing service

Note: If the NLP service is running on Linux, you might need to configure the number of supported channels. See Configuring channel support for the NLP service on Linux.

Krypton engine
Natural Language Engine
Nuance Text Processing Engine
Nuance Resource Manager

Tip: For specifying licensing parameters, see Pointing products to a remote license manager. For more information on configuring Dragon Voice components to use Nuance Resource Manager, see Pointing engines to the resource manager. For enabling secure connections, see Securing connections with SSL/TLS.