Configuration during application development

Application developers configure application sessions and individual recognition events. They use different configurations for development and deployment systems depending on the emphasis for troubleshooting, testing, tuning, or performance.

This illustration shows configuration mechanisms available to application developers:

Configuration summary:

  • The VoiceXML application specifies properties that the voice browser communicates to the Speech Server, Recognizer, and text-to-speech engine. The settings are often valid for a single recognition or synthesis event, whereupon they revert to their default values.

    Applications specify two kinds of properties: basic properties as defined in the VoiceXML specification, and Nuance-specific parameters that refine the control of Recognizer. The browser passes the Nuance parameters as MRCP vendor-specific properties.

  • The session.xml configures defaults for the duration of the session.
  • Speech grammars contain parameters to control individual recognition events. Recognizer loads the settings when the application activates a grammar. Parameter grammars configure a group of active grammars.
  • Management Station sets defaults for a specific recognition service instance. Application developers change parameters this way when a higher-level mechanism is not available.
  • The text-to-speech capabilities of Nuance Vocalizer support parameters that may be set in Management Station.