Client app development

This topic describes the main steps in a typical client application that interacts with a Mix.dialog application. In particular, it provides an overview of the different methods and messages used in a sample order coffee application.

Sample dialog exchange

To illustrate how to use the API, consider the following simple dialog exchange between an end-user and a dialog application:

  • System: Hello! Welcome to the coffee app. What type of coffee would you like?
  • User: I want an espresso.
  • System: And in what size would like that?
  • User: Double.
  • System: Thanks, your order is coming right up!


The DialogService is the main entry point to the Nuance Dialog service.

A typical workflow for accessing a dialog application at runtime is as follows:

  1. The client application authorizes with the service by requesting an access token from the Nuance authorization server and using it to opens a secure channel to the service.

  2. The client application imports service functions and calls a client stub that uses the channel.

  3. The client application creates a new conversation sending a StartRequest to the DialogService. The service returns a session ID, which is used at each interaction to keep the same conversation. The client application also sends an ExecuteRequest message with the session ID and an empty payload to kick off the conversation.

  4. As the user interacts with the dialog, the client application sends one of the following message types, as often as necessary:

    • An ExecuteRequest message for text input, data exchange, external interpretations of user input, or reporting issues handling input.

      An ExecuteResponse is returned to the client application when a question and answer node, a data access node, or an external actions node is encountered in the dialog flow.

    • A StreamInput message for audio input (ASR) and/or audio output (TTS).

      A StreamOutput is returned to the client application.

  5. Optionally, at any point during the conversation, the client application can check that the session is still active by sending a StatusRequest message.

  6. Optionally, at any point during the conversation, the client application can update session variables by sending an UpdateRequest message.

  7. The client application closes the conversation by sending a StopRequest message.

This workflow is shown in the following high-level sequence flow:

  View sequence flow  

Step 1. Authorize with the Dialog service

To connect to the Dialog service, you need to do two things:

  • Obtain an OAuth token
  • Create a secure gRPC channel to the service

Obtain OAuth token

Nuance Mix uses the OAuth 2.0 protocol for authorization. To call the runtime service, your client application must request and then provide a Mix access token. The token expires after a period of time so must be regenerated periodically. Nuance recommends reusing the access token until it expires.

Your client application uses the client ID and secret from the Mix.dashboard (see Prerequisites from Mix) to generate an access token from the Nuance authorization server, available at the following URL:

The token may be generated in two ways

  • As part of the client application: The client application receives the Client ID and secret and the OAuth URL and generates and manages the token itself.
  • As part of a run script file: The run script generates the token and then passes it to the client application.

The sample Python app examples provide Linux bash scripts and Windows batch scripts supporting each of these two scenarios. Note that the first approach of letting the client application handle token generation and management is prefered, as it allows for better reuse of the token for the duration of its lifetime.

Note that the same token should be reused until it expires rather than requested for each interpretation. Generating a new token every time adds to latency. Also, token requests have more strict rate limits in place.

Create a secure gRPC channel to the service

Next, create a secure gRPC channel to the service by providing:

  • The URL of the Dialog service
  • The access token obtained earlier
def create_channel(args):
    log.debug("Adding CallCredentials with token %s" % args.token)
    call_credentials = grpc.access_token_call_credentials(args.token)

    log.debug("Creating secure gRPC channel")
    channel_credentials = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials()
    channel_credentials = grpc.composite_channel_credentials(channel_credentials, call_credentials)
    channel = grpc.secure_channel(args.serverUrl, credentials=channel_credentials)

    return channel

Step 2. Import service functions and call client stub

Next, do the following:

  • Import service functions
  • Call client stub

Import Dialog functions and messages

The client should import all functions from the DLGaaS client stubs that you generated from the proto files in gRPC setup by importing the contents of the generated stub files.

This lets you conveniently reference all Dialog service methods and messages by name.

# Pull in DLGaaS service and message files
from nuance.dlg.v1.common.dlg_common_messages_pb2 import *
from nuance.dlg.v1.dlg_messages_pb2 import *
from nuance.dlg.v1.dlg_interface_pb2 import *
from nuance.dlg.v1.dlg_interface_pb2_grpc import *

Do not edit these stub files.

Import other Mix service functions and messages

If you plan on using ASRaaS speech recognition or TTSaaS text to speech, orchestrated by Dialog, you will need to use ASR and TTS messages to configure the streaming requests. Similarly, if you use client-side orchestration with the Mix services, you will need to instantiate service stubs and use messages from the services.

To avoid the potential for name collisions in message types (for example, both ASR and TTS have AudioFormat messages, and both TTS and Dialog have Voice messages), import the client stub module names and reference the messages using the module names.

# Pull in TTS service and message files to support backup TTS and reference TTS messages in Dialog requests
from nuance.tts.v1 import nuance_tts_v1_pb2, nuance_tts_v1_pb2_grpc

# Pull in ASR service and message files to reference ASR messages in Dialog requests and to do client side orchestration with ASRaaS if needed
from nuance.asr.v1 import resource_pb2, result_pb2, recognizer_pb2, recognizer_pb2_grpc

# Pull in NLU service and message files to reference NLU messages in Dialog requests and to do client side orchestration with NLUaaS if needed 
from nuance.nlu.v1 import runtime_pb2, runtime_pb2_grpc, result_pb2  

Again, do not edit the stub files.

Call client stub

Next, call the service client stub from the imported files. The stub uses the secure channel created earlier.

with create_channel(args) as channel:
    stub = DialogServiceStub(channel)

In some languages, this stub is defined in the generated client files: in Python it is named DialogServiceStub and in Go it is DialogServiceClient. In other languages, such as Java, you must create your own stub.

Step 3. Start the conversation

With a channel established to the Dialog service and a Dialog service client stub instantiated, you can start the conversation.

To do this, you need to do two things:

  • Start a new Dialog session
  • Kick off the conversation

Start a new session

Before you can start the new conversation, the client app first needs to send a StartRequest message with the following information:

  • A unique session ID. If you specify an ID, it will be used. Otherwise, provide an empty session ID, which tells the Dialog service to create a new ID for this conversation.
  • The selector, which provides the channel, library, and language used for this conversation. This information was determined by the dialog designer in the Mix.dialog tool.
  • The StartRequestPayload, which contains the reference to the model, provided as a ResourceReference. For a Mix application, this is the URN of the Dialog model to use for this interaction. The StartRequestPayload can also be used to set session data.
  • An optional user_id, which identifies a specific user within the application. See UserID for details.
  • An optional client_data, used to inject data in call logs. This data will be added to the call logs but will not be masked.
  • An optional session timeout value, session_timeout_sec (in seconds), giving the idle time after which the session is terminated. The default value is 900 (15 minutes) and the maximum is 259200 (72 hours).
def start_request(stub, model_ref_dict, session_id, selector_dict={}, timeout):
    selector = Selector(channel=selector_dict.get('channel'),
    start_payload = StartRequestPayload(model_ref=model_ref_dict)
    start_req = StartRequest(session_id=session_id,
    log.debug(f'Start Request: {start_req}')
    start_response, call = stub.Start.with_call(start_req)
    response = MessageToDict(start_response)
    log.debug(f'Start Request Response: {response}')
    return response, call

A new unique session ID is generated and returned as a startresponse; for example:

'payload': {'session_id': 'b8cba63a-f681-11e9-ace9-d481d7843dbd'}

The client app must then use the same session ID in all subsequent requests that apply to this conversation.

Additional notes on session IDs

  • The session ID is often used for logging purposes, allowing you to easily locate the logs for a session.
  • If the client app specifies a session ID in the StartRequest message, then the same ID is returned in the response.
  • If passing in your own session ID in the StartRequest message, please follow these guidelines:
    • The session ID should not begin or end with white space or tab
    • The session ID should not begin or end with hyphens

Kick off the conversation

With the session started, the client app just needs to signal to Dialog to start the conversation. Recall that the API operates on a cycle of client requests followed by server responses. So to receive the opening messages and prompt from the dialog, you need to poke Dialog with a minimal initial response.

The details depend on the types of computer-generated output you need:

  • Text only
  • Speech generation

In both cases, you need to send an empty ExecuteRequest to Dialog to get started. Include the session ID but leave the user_text field of the payload user_input empty.

Text output

To kick off the conversation and receive initial messages as text output, send the ExecuteRequest in an Execute() call.

input = UserInput(user_text = None)
execute_payload = ExecuteRequestPayload(user_input = input)
execute_request = ExecuteRequest(session_id = session_id, 
                        selector = selector, 
                        payload = execute_payload)
execute_response, call = stub.Execute.with_call(execute_request)

Generated speech output via TTSaaS

To kick off the conversation and receive initial messages as both text and streaming generated speech audio, include the same ExecuteRequest within a StreamInput as part of an ExecuteStream() call.

Note that in this case, you also need to include voice and audio configurations in the tts_control_v1 field of the StreamInput to request and configure the speech generation by TTSaaS.

input = UserInput(user_text = None)
execute_payload = ExecuteRequestPayload(user_input = input)
execute_request = ExecuteRequest(session_id = session_id, 
                        selector = selector, 
                        payload = execute_payload)
audio_format = nuance_tts_v1_pb2.AudioFormat(pcm = nuance_tts_v1_pb2.PCM(sample_rate_hz = 16000))
audio_params = nuance_tts_v1_pb2.AudioParameters(audio_format = audio_format)
voice = nuance_tts_v1_pb2.Voice(name = "Evan", model = "enhanced")
tts_control_v1 = TtsParamsV1(audio_params = audio_params, voice = voice)
stream_input = StreamInput(request = execute_request, tts_control_v1 = tts_control_v1)
stream_outputs = stub.ExecuteStream(stream_input)

For more details on how to request speech generation, see Step 4b. Interact with the user using audio.

Step 4. Step through the dialog

At each step, the client app needs to:

  • Plays system outputs specified in the response from the previous turn
  • Collects user input (or retrieve data) as needed
  • Return input or data to DLGaaS to advance to the next step

The client app can send inputs for the next turn to Dialog in one of five different forms depending on the place in the dialog and the modalities being used:

  • Send user text input, input selection from an interaction, an interpretation of user input, or an ASRaaS result with Execute()
  • Send streaming user speech audio input from user with ExecuteStream()
  • Send requested data from client-side data fetch with Execute()
  • Signal to proceed with server-side data fetch with Execute()
  • Send a DialogEvent with Execute() to flag Dialog about a problem externally processing user input

The sub-steps that follow describe the key details of these different possibilities.

Step 4a. Interact with the user (text input)

Interactions that use text input and do not require streaming for either speech input or text-to-speech output are done through ExecuteRequest calls, providing the following information:

  • The session ID returned by the StartRequest. This lets Dialog know which ongoing Dialog session the request relates to.
  • The selector, which provides the channel, library, and language to be used for this conversation from that point forward (This is optional; it is required only if the channel, library, or language values have changed since they were last sent.).
  • The ExecuteRequestPayload, which can contain the following fields:
    • user_input: Provides the input to the Dialog engine. For the initial ExecuteRequest, the payload is empty to get the initial message. For the subsequent requests, the input provided depends on how text interpretation is performed. See Interpreting text user input for more information.
    • dialog_event: Can be used to pass in Dialog events that will drive the dialog flow when there were problems with externally handled user input.
    • requested_data: Contains data that was previously requested by the Dialog.
  • An optional user_id, which identifies a specific user within the application. See UserID for details.
def execute_request(stub, session_id, selector_dict={}, payload_dict={}):
    selector = Selector(channel=selector_dict.get('channel'),
    input = UserInput(user_text=payload_dict.get('user_input').get('userText'))
    execute_payload = ExecuteRequestPayload(
    execute_request = ExecuteRequest(session_id=session_id,
    log.debug(f'Execute Request: {execute_payload}')
    execute_response, call = stub.Execute.with_call(execute_request)
    response = MessageToDict(execute_response)
    log.debug(f'Execute Response: {response}')
    return response, call

ExecuteResponse for output

The dialog runtime app returns the Execute response payload when a question and answer node, a data access node, or an external actions node is encountered in the dialog flow. This payload provides the actions to be performed by the client application.

There are several types of actions that can be requested by the dialog application:

  • Messages action: Indicates that a message should be played to the user. See Message actions.
  • Data access action: Indicates that the dialog needs data from the client to continue the flow. The dialog application obtains the data it needs from the client using the data access gRPC API. The client application is responsible for obtaining the data from a data source. See Data access actions.
  • Question and answer action: Tells the client app to play a message and to return the user input to the dialog. See Question and answer actions.
  • End action: Indicates the end of the dialog. See End actions.
  • Escalation action: Provides data that can be used, for example, to escalate to an IVR agent.
  • Continue action: Prompts the client application to respond to initiate a backend data exchange on the server side. Provides a message to play to the user to smooth over any latency while waiting for the data exchange.

For example, the following question and answer action indicates that the message “Hello! How can I help you today?” must be displayed to the user:

"payload": {
    "messages": [],
    "qa_action": {
        "message": {
            "nlg": [],
            "visual": [{
                    "text": "Hello! How can I help you today?"
            "audio": []

A question and answer node expects input from the user to continue the flow. This can be provided as raw text to be interpreted by Nuance or as already interpreted input in the next ExecuteRequest call.

To provide the user input as audio, or to request text-to-speech outputs use the StreamInput request, as described in Step 4b.

To provide data requested in a data access act,ion, send it in the payload of an ExecuteRequest as described in Step 4c.

To respond to a continue action and prompt Dialog to proceed with a server-side data fetch for a data access node, follow Step 4d.

To report a DialogEvent when there is a problem handling input externally, follow Step 4e.

Step 4b. Interact with the user (using audio)

Interactions with the user that require audio streaming in either direction are done through multiple ExecuteStream calls.

ExecuteStream takes in one or more StreamInput messages and returns one or more StreamOutput messages.

This provides a streaming audio option to handle audio input and audio output.

Streaminput for input

The StreamInput message can be used to:

  • Configure speech recognition and/or text-to-speech (TTS) generation.
  • Provide the user input requested by a question and answer action as streaming audio input for automatic speech recognition (ASR) and NLU interpretation.
  • Initiate synthesis of an output message into audio output using text-to-speech (TTS).

StreamInput contents

A StreamInput message can have the following fields:

  • request: Provides the ExecuteRequest with the session ID, selector, and request payload. Sent once on the first StreamInput message of a turn only.
  • asr_control_v1: Provides the parameters to be forwarded to the ASR service, such as the audio format, recognition flags, recognition resources to use (such as DLMs, wordsets, and speaker profiles), whether results are returned, and so on. At a minimum, details of the audio formatting/encoding of the input audio must be specfied here. Setting asr_control_v1 enables streaming of input audio. Sent once on the first StreamInput message of a turn only.
  • audio: Speech audio to stream for speech recognition, as bytes. Each StreamInput message contains part of the speech audio. An empty StreamInput message once all the audio is sent the indicates to Dialog the end of the audio stream.
  • tts_control_v1: Provides the parameters to be forwarded to the TTS service, such as the audio encoding and voice to use for speech synthesis. At a minimum, the audio_format field must be specified here in the audio_params field for speech audio to be produced. A TTSaaS voice valid for your organization and the current language must also be specified either under tts_control_v1 or in the Mix.dialog TTS settings. Setting TTS audio and voice parameters enables streaming of audio output. If you request TTS, but do not specify a valid voice in either of these two locations, DLGaaS will send a request to TTSaaS, but the request will fail. Sent once on the first StreamInput message of a turn only.
  • control_message: (Optional) Message to start the recognition no-input timer if it was disabled with a stall_timers recognition flag in asr_control_v1. Sent once on the first StreamInput message of a turn only.

StreamInput can perform speech recognition only, TTS only, or both speech recognition and TTS.

The code sample below from the Sample Python runtime client demonstrates how to initiate an ExecuteStream request that can support bidirectional streaming of ASR input and TTS output.

  Execute Stream request in sample app for bidirectional audio streaming  

The method execute_stream_request() handles a number of different cases and includes several Boolean flags:

  • initial to indicate whether it is a normal request in the flow of the dialog (False), or an initial request to get the first prompts (True).
  • interpret_text to indicate whether or not text input was provided
  • request_asr to indicate whether or not ASR was requested
  • request_tts to indicate whether TTS was requested

Depending on the arguments sent in, this method can handle the following cases:

Case initial interpret_text request_asr request_tts
Get initial prompts, no inputs (audio or text), TTS output requested True False False True
Regular streaming request, text input, TTS output requested False True False True
Regular streaming request, audio input, TTS output requested False False False True

The method build_stream_input() is called on to generate an iterator of StreamInput() objects as an input to execute_stream_request(). It includes configuration for ASR and TTS, if requested, and the ExecuteRequestPayload with the user text input, if provided.

The method execute_stream_request() sends the ExecuteStream request and returns the responses and audio.

When ASR and/or TTS are requested via the --audioFile and --tts command line run script arguments, the Python client app in main() calls the execute_stream_request() method to initiate ExecuteStream requests. It makes two calls, one to get the initial prompts, and a second to send the user input.

  Calling execute_stream_request() method  

In each case, the received TTS audio, if requested, is saved locally to a .wav file. The Python client includes code to save the received audio to a .wav file with settings corresponding to the .wav audio settings used in the TTS request. The code is shown below:

  Saving .wav audio files of output  

Streamoutput for output

ExecuteStream returns a series of StreamOutput objects. A StreamOutput object has the following fields:

  • response: Provides the ExecuteResponse with messages and actions to be performed by the client application. Sent once on the first StreamOutput message of a turn only.
  • audio: Synthetic speech audio returned by TTS (if TTS was requested) as bytes. Each StreamOutput message contains part of the synthesized speech audio.
  • asr_result: Contains the ASR transcription result of audio input from the previous turn (if audio input was sent). Sent once on the first StreamOutput message of a turn only.
  • asr_status: Indicates the status of the transcription of audio input from the previous turn (if audio input was sent). Sent once on the first StreamOutput message of a turn only.
  • asr_start_of_speech: Contains the start-of-speech message for audio input from the previous turn (if audio input was sent). Sent once on the first StreamOutput message of a turn only.

Note that speech responses do not necessarily need to use synthesized speech from TTS. Another option is to use recorded speech audio files.

For more details on different options for handling inputs and outputs, see Handling inputs and outputs.

Step 4c. Send requested data

If the last ExecuteResponse included a Data access action requesting client-side fetch of specified data, the client app needs to fetch the data and returns it as part of the payload of an ExecuteRequest under requested_data. The payload will otherwise be empty, not containing user input. This happens when the dialog gets to a data access node that is configured for client-side data access. For more information about this, see Data access actions.

payload_dict = {
    "requested_data": {
      "id": "get_coffee_price",
      "data": {
        "coffee_price": "4.25",
        "returnCode": "0"

response, call = execute_request(stub,
                        session_id = session_id,
                        selector_dict = selector_dict,
                        payload_dict = payload_dict

Step 4d. Proceed with server-side data fetch

If Dialog is carrying out a data fetch on the server-side that will take some time, and a latency message has been configured in Mix.dialog, Dialog can send messages to play to fill up the time and make the user experience waiting more pleasant as part of a Continue action.

To move on, the client app has to signal that it is ready for Dialog to carry on when it is ready. As you would when you first kick off a conversation, send an ExecuteRequest that includes the session ID but leave the user_text field of the payload user_input empty.

payload_dict = {
            "user_input": {
                "user_text": None
response, call = execute_request(stub,
                        session_id = session_id,
                        selector_dict = selector_dict,
                        payload_dict = payload_dict

Step 4e. Pass in a DialogEvent

If user input is handled externally, the client app needs to collect input, obtain an interpretation of the meaning in terms the dialog will understand, and send this interpretation to Dialog to drive the next turn.

If there is an issue processing or interpreting the input for whatever reason, the client app needs to flag Dialog accordingly. This is handled by passing in a DialogEvent as part of an Execute request payload.

Step 5. Check session status

In a client application using asynchronous communication modalities such as text messaging, the client will not always necessarily know whether a session is still active, or whether it has expired. To check whether the session is still active, and if so, how much time is left in the ongoing session, the client app sends a StatusRequest message.

This message has only one field: The session ID returned by the StartResponse.

def status_request(stub, session_id):
    status_request = StatusRequest(session_id=session_id)
    log.debug(f'Status Request: {status_request}')
    status_response, call = stub.Status.with_call(status_request)
    response = MessageToDict(status_response)
    log.debug(f'Status Response: {response}')
    return response, call

Some notes:

  • This request can be sent at any time once a session is created. No user input is required, and this request does not trigger an event in the dialog and does not change the dialog state or reset the idle time remaining. To reset the idle time remaining, send an UpdateRequest with an empty payload.
  • This request can be called before an Execute, ExecuteStream, or Update call to check that the session is still active before sending the request.

A StatusResponse message is returned giving the approximate time left in the session. The status code can be one of the following:

  • OK: The specified session was found.
  • NOT_FOUND: The session specified could not be found.

Step 6. Update session data

To update session data variables without otherwise advancing the conversation, the client app sends the UpdateRequest message. This message has the following fields:

  • The session ID returned by the StartResponse.
  • The UpdateRequestPayload, which contains the key-value pairs of variables to update. See Exchanging session data for details. The variables sent will be logged in the call logs, unless suppressLogUserData is set to false in the StartRequest. If one of the variables updated is identified as sensitive, its value will be masked in the log events.
  • An optional client_data, used to inject data in call logs. This data will be added to the call logs but will not be masked.
  • An optional user_id, which identifies a specific user within the application. See UserID for details.
def update_request(stub, session_id, update_data, client_data, user_id):
    update_payload = UpdateRequestPayload(
                        data = update_data)
    update_request = UpdateRequest(session_id = session_id,
                        payload = update_payload,
                        client_data = client_data,
                        user_id = user_id)
    log.debug(f'Update Request: {update_request}')
    update_response, call = stub.Update.with_call(update_request)
    response = MessageToDict(update_response)
    log.debug(f'Update Response: {response}')
    return response, call

Some notes:

  • This request can be sent at any time once a session is created. No user input is required, and this request does not trigger an event in the dialog and does not change the dialog state.
  • Session variables sent though the UpdateRequest payload should be defined in the Mix.dialog project. If they are not, the response will still be successful but no variables will be updated.
  • This request resets the session idle timeout remaining if the payload is empty.
  • This request is usually called before an ExecuteRequest.

An empty UpdateResponse is returned. The status code can be one of the following:

  • OK: The UpdateRequest was successful.
  • NOT_FOUND: The session specified could not be found.

Step 7. Stop the conversation

To stop the conversation, the client app sends the StopRequest message; this message has the following fields:

  • The session ID returned by the StartRequest.

  • An optional user_id, which identifies a specific user within the application. See UserID for details.

def stop_request(stub, session_id=None):
    stop_req = StopRequest(session_id=session_id)
    log.debug(f'Stop Request: {stop_req}')
    stop_response, call = stub.Stop.with_call(stop_req)
    response = MessageToDict(stop_response)
    log.debug(f'Stop Response: {response}')
    return response, call

The StopRequest message removes the session state, so the session ID for this conversation should not be used in the short term for any new interactions, to prevent any confusion when analyzing logs.

Detailed sequence flow

Detailed sequence flow