Kafka consumer API

This section describes the Kafka consumer API.

Version: V1

This document covers v1 of the Mix Kafka REST Consumer API.




Get Partitions

GET /partitions

Retrieve the list of available partitions for a topic.

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK List of available partitions topicPartitions
404 Not Found Topic does not exist errorResponse
200 response example
  "partitions": [

Get Partition Offsets

GET /partitions/{partition}/offsets

Retrieve the first and last available offsets for a partition.

Name In Type Description
partition path number Partition number

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Partition offset details partitionsOffsets
200 response example
  "beginning_offset": 441,
  "end_offset": 641

Consumers and Groups

Create Consumer

POST /consumers

Create a new consumer instance in a consumer group.

The consumer group name must follow the pattern appID-{appId/topic}-clientName-{clientName}-{two-digit number}, for example, appID-DEMO-OMNICHANNEL-APP-DEV-clientName-default-01

The consumer name must follow the pattern consumer-{UUIDv4}, for example, consumer-9872ec64-50d9-4dcd-9f4f-e8b5099a7f4f

Name In Type Description
consumer-group header string Consumer group name appID-{appId/topic}-clientName-{clientName}-{two-digit number}
consumer-name header string Consumer name consumer-{UUIDv4}
body body createConsumers Object that provides the parameters used when creating a consumer
Body parameter
  "auto.offset.reset": "latest",
  "consumer.request.timeout.ms": "1000",
  "fetch.min.bytes": "-1",
  "auto.commit.enable": "false"

Status Meaning Description Schema
204 No Content Consumer instance created successfully None
400 Bad Request Bad Request, topic does not exist errorResponse
400 response example
  "error_code": 401,
  "message": "The request could not be authorized"

Delete Consumer

DELETE /consumers

Delete the specified consumer instance from a consumer group.

Name In Type Description
consumer-group header string Consumer group name appID-{appId/topic}-clientName-{clientName}-{two-digit number}
consumer-name header string Consumer name consumer-{UUIDv4}

Status Meaning Description Schema
204 No Content Consumer instance deleted successfully None



POST /consumers/subscription

Subscribe a consumer to a topic to get dynamically assigned partitions. If a subscription already exists, it will be replaced.

Name In Type Description
consumer-group header string Consumer group name appID-{appId/topic}-clientName-{clientName}-{two-digit number}
consumer-name header string Consumer name consumer-{UUIDv4}
body body subscription Object that provides the topic to subscribe to
Body parameter
  "topics": [

Status Meaning Description Schema
204 No Content Consumer successfully subscribed to the topic specified None



Remove the existing topic subscription for a consumer.

Name In Type Description
consumer-group header string Consumer group name appID-{appId/topic}-clientName-{clientName}-{two-digit number}
consumer-name header string Consumer name consumer-{UUIDv4}

Status Meaning Description Schema
204 No Content Consumer successfully unsubscribed from the topic specified None

Get Subscription

GET /consumers/subscription

Retrieve the topic to which the consumer is currently subscribed.

Name In Type Description
consumer-group header string Consumer group name appID-{appId/topic}-clientName-{clientName}-{two-digit number}
consumer-name header string Consumer name consumer-{UUIDv4}

Status Meaning Description Schema
204 No Content Current subscribed topic subscription
204 example response
  "topics": [


Get Records

GET /consumers/records

Fetch data for the topic to which the specified consumer is subscribed. This request requires the accept: application/json header.


  • An inactivity timeout is configured for customer instances, so they will be deleted if not active for a certain period. Therefore, Nuance recommends that you call the Get Records endpoint at a regular interval to keep the consumer instance alive. See the documentation for more information.
  • In some cases, this endpoint returns an empty array even if there are event logs available. For example, this can happen if an internal fetch timeout occurs. Nuance recommends that you try this endpoint again before determining that all event logs have been fetched.

Name In Type Description
consumer-group header string Consumer group name appID-{appId/topic}-clientName-{clientName}-{two-digit number}
Accept header string Required accept: application/json header
consumer-name header string Consumer name consumer-{UUIDv4}

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Records fetched by the consumer instance, in JSON format. jsonConsumerRecords
200 response example
    "key": {
      "service": "DLGaaS",
      "id": "3a4b511c-c06b-497f-ba0a-24c1f95a7e60"
    "value": {},
    "partition": 0,
    "offset": 210


Assign Partitions

POST /consumers/assignments

Manually assign a list of partitions to this consumer. This request requires both the content-type: application/json header and the accept: application/json.

Name In Type Description
consumer-group header string Consumer group name appID-{appId/topic}-clientName-{clientName}-{two-digit number}
Accept header string Required accept: application/json header
Content-Type header string Required content-type: application/json header
consumer-name header string Consumer name consumer-{UUIDv4}
body body partitionsAssignment Object that provides the partitions to assign to a consumer
Body parameter
  "partitions": [
      "topic": "DEMO-OMNICHANNEL-APP-DEV",
      "partition": 0

Status Meaning Description Schema
204 No Content Partition successfully assigned to the consumer None

Get Assigned Partitions

GET /consumers/assignments

Retrieve the list of partitions currently manually assigned to this consumer. This request requires the accept: application/json header.

Name In Type Description
consumer-group header string Consumer group name appID-{appId/topic}-clientName-{clientName}-{two-digit number}
Accept header string Required accept: application/json header
consumer-name header string Consumer name consumer-{UUIDv4}

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK List of partitions assigned to the specified consumer partitionsAssignment
200 response example
  "partitions": [
      "topic": "DEMO-OMNICHANNEL-APP-DEV",
      "partition": 0


Get Committed Offsets

200 response example
  "offsets": [
      "topic": "DEMO-OMNICHANNEL-APP-DEV",
      "partition": 0,
      "offset": 412,
      "metadata": "string"
POST /consumers/committed/offsets

Retrieve the last committed offsets for the partitions specified.

Body parameter
  "partitions": [
      "topic": "DEMO-OMNICHANNEL-APP-DEV",
      "partition": 0

Name In Type Description
consumer-group header string Consumer group name appID-{appId/topic}-clientName-{clientName}-{two-digit number}
consumer-name header string Consumer name consumer-{UUIDv4}
body body partitions Object that provides the partitions for which to retrieve offsets

Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK Last committed offsets for the partitions specified committedOffsets

Commit Offsets

POST /consumers/offsets

Commit a list of offsets for the consumer. When the POST body is empty, this endpoint commits all the records that have been fetched by the consumer instance.

Body parameter
  "offsets": [
      "topic": "DEMO-OMNICHANNEL-APP-DEV",
      "partition": 0,
      "offset": 412

Name In Type Description
consumer-group header string Consumer group name appID-{appId/topic}-clientName-{clientName}-{two-digit number}
consumer-name header string Consumer name consumer-{UUIDv4}
body body offsets Object that provides the offsets to commit

Status Meaning Description Schema
204 No Content Committed offsets for the partitions specified None


Override Offsets

POST /consumers/positions

Overrides the offsets that the consumer will use when fetching the next set of records.

Name In Type Description
consumer-group header string Consumer group name appID-{appId/topic}-clientName-{clientName}-{two-digit number}
consumer-name header string Consumer name consumer-{UUIDv4}
body body offsets Object that provides the offsets to use when fetching the next set of records
Body parameter
  "offsets": [
      "topic": "DEMO-OMNICHANNEL-APP-DEV",
      "partition": 0,
      "offset": 412

Status Meaning Description Schema
204 No Content Committed offsets for the partitions specified. None

Seek First Offset

POST /consumers/positions/beginning

Seek to the first offset for each of the partitions specified.

Name In Type Description
consumer-group header string Consumer group name appID-{appId/topic}-clientName-{clientName}-{two-digit number}
consumer-name header string Consumer name consumer-{UUIDv4}
body body partitions Object that specifies the partitions for which to seek the first offsets
Body parameter
  "partitions": [
      "topic": "DEMO-OMNICHANNEL-APP-DEV",
      "partition": 0

Status Meaning Description Schema
204 No Content The current offset is set to the first available offset None

Seek Last Offset

POST /consumers/positions/end

Seek to the last offset for each of the partitions specified.

Name In Type Description
consumer-group header string Consumer group name appID-{appId/topic}-clientName-{clientName}-{two-digit number}
consumer-name header string Consumer name consumer-{UUIDv4}
body body partitions Object that specifies the partitions for which to see the last offsets
Body parameter
  "partitions": [
      "topic": "DEMO-OMNICHANNEL-APP-DEV",
      "partition": 0

Status Meaning Description Schema
204 No Content The current offset is set to the last available offset None



  "auto.offset.reset": "latest",
  "consumer.request.timeout.ms": "1000",
  "fetch.min.bytes": "-1",
  "auto.commit.enable": "false"

Object that provides the parameters used when creating a consumer

Name Type Description
auto.offset.reset string Offset reset policy for the consumer group. Determines the initial position to use when the group is created. Valid values are earliest (earliest available offset), latest (latest available offset), and none (current offset if the consumer group is present). If there is no current offset associated with the consumer group, the option none will throw an error.
This property applies only if no offset is committed. When an offset is committed, auto.offset.reset is not considered.
Default is latest.
consumer.request.timeout.ms string The maximum amount of time to wait for messages for a request if the maximum number of messages (as per fetch.min.bytes) has not yet been reached. Default is 1000.
fetch.min.bytes string Minimum number of bytes in message keys and values that must be returned by a single request before the timeout specified in consumer.request.timeout.ms expires.
A value of -1 disables this functionality.
Default is -1.
auto.commit.enable string If set to true, the committed offset will be automatically updated when the record is fetched using the Get Records endpoint. Default is false.
Enumerated Values
Property Value
auto.offset.reset earliest
auto.offset.reset latest
auto.offset.reset none
auto.commit.enable true
auto.commit.enable false


  "offsets": [
      "topic": "DEMO-OMNICHANNEL-APP-DEV",
      "partition": 0,
      "offset": 412,
      "metadata": "string"

Last committed offsets for the partitions specified

Name Type Description
offsets [any] Array of committed offsets
» topic string Name of the topic. In Mix, this is the AppID.
» partition number Number of the partition
» offset number Committed offset
» metadata string Currently not used


  "offsets": [
      "topic": "DEMO-OMNICHANNEL-APP-DEV",
      "partition": 0,
      "offset": 412

Object that defines offsets

Name Type Description
offsets [any] Array of offsets
» topic string Name of the topic. In Mix, this is the AppID.
» partition number Number of the partition
» offset number Offset number


  "partitions": [
      "topic": "DEMO-OMNICHANNEL-APP-DEV",
      "partition": 0

Object that defines an array of partitions

Name Type Description
partitions [any] partitions
» topic string Name of the topic. In Mix, this is the AppID.
» partition number Number of the partition


  "partitions": [

Object that defines a topic and its available partitions

Name Type Description
topic string Name of the topic. In Mix, this is the AppID.
partitions [number] Array of partition numbers


  "error_code": 401,
  "message": "The request could not be authorized"

Object that defines an error response

Name Type Description
error_code string Error code
message string Error message


    "key": {
      "service": "DLGaaS",
      "id": "3a4b511c-c06b-497f-ba0a-24c1f95a7e60"
    "value": {},
    "partition": 0,
    "offset": 210

Records fetched by the consumer

Name Type Description
Records fetched by the consumer [object] Records fetched by the consumer
topic string Name of the topic. In Mix, this is the AppID.
key object Key for the message
» service any Name of the runtime service that generated this message
» id any Randomly-generated UUID that uniquely identifies the message
value object Contents of the Kafka message
partition number Partition number for this topic
offset number Offset for this record


  "topics": [

Object that describes a topic subscription

Name Type Description
topics [string] Topic name. In Mix, this is the AppID.


  "partitions": [
      "topic": "DEMO-OMNICHANNEL-APP-DEV",
      "partition": 0

Object that describes the assigned partitions

Name Type Description
partitions [object] Array of assigned partitions
» topic string Topic name. In Mix, this is the AppID.
» partition number Partition number


  "beginning_offset": 441,
  "end_offset": 641

Object that provides the first and last available offsets in a partition

Name Type Description
beginning_offset number First available offset in the partition specified
end_offset number Last available offset in the partition specified