Question and answer node

A question and answer node is the basic node type in dialog applications. It recognizes user input. In a node object literal, the question and answer node element is identified with this key: recognitionNode2.

Elements of a question and answer node object literal
Element Type Description
name String Name of the node (see Naming guidelines)
description String Description of the node (maximum 1000 characters)
initialMessage Processing item group object Processing items to perform before recognition
collectionType String Type of data to collect—for example, INTENT_TYPE, CUSTOM_LIST_TYPE, YES_NO, NUANCE_ORDINAL_NUMBER; empty for a menu-type entity
actionConfigurations Array of action configurations Processing items to perform for each entity value or ASR value of a menu-type, yes/no or Boolean entity; empty for list-type entities
inputManagerReferenceId String UUID of the question router node handling any user input that is not recognized as the entity this question and answer node is to collect, if any; empty if collectionType is INTENT_TYPE
entityId String UUID of the entity to collect, if any; empty if collectionType is INTENT_TYPE
recoRecoveryBehaviors Array of local recovery behaviors Local recovery behaviors for handling collection events, such as no match, max no match
defaultIntentProcessingItem Processing item group object Only present if collectionType is INTENT_TYPE; processing items to perform after intent recognition
defaultConceptProcessingItem Processing item group object Only present if collectionType is not INTENT_TYPE; processing items to perform after entity recognition
initialProcessingItem Processing item group object Processing items to perform before the value-specific processing items—only present if collectionType is empty, YES_NO or nuance_BOOLEAN
reentryMessage Processing item group object Optional processing items to perform before recognition—instead of initialMessage—, when the dialog flow reenters this node
clickables Array of interactive elements Optional interactive elements for values of the entity to collect, if collectionType is CUSTOM_LIST_TYPE, YES_NO or NUANCE_BOOLEAN, and for values of the global command entity for which an override is defined at this node; otherwise, empty
view View object Formatting information to pass to the client application for messages and interactive elements
inputVariablesConcepts Array of inputs Key-value pairs representing variables, entities, and other objects to pass on to the client application
nodeSettingOverride Array of node setting overrides Overrides to the default global settings for this node
recoConfirmationBehaviors Array of local confirmation behaviors Local behaviors for handling confirmation events, such as a no match, a positive or negative response to a confirmation prompt
dtmfToEntityValueMapping Array of DTMF mappings Mappings between DTMF keys and values of the entity to collect, if collectionType is CUSTOM_LIST_TYPE, YES_NO or NUANCE_BOOLEAN; otherwise, empty
nodeCommandOverrides Array of local command overrides Local handling for specified values of the global command entity
defaultConceptProcessingId String UUID of defaultConceptProcessingItem
defaultIntentProcessingId String UUID of defaultIntentProcessingItem
initialProcessingId String UUID of initialProcessingItem
reentryMessageId String UUID of reentryMessage
initialMessageProcessingItemId String UUID of initialMessage
timestamp String Date and time of the last modification, in this format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ssZ—for example, 2019-08-21T08:34:27Z
  Question and answer node example (intent collection)  

Action configuration

Maps a specific entity value, and the actions to perform after this value is collected.

Elements of an action configuration object literal
Element Type Description
processingItems Processing item group object Processing items to perform for the entity value (or ASR value)
processingItemsId String UUID of processingItems
One of conceptValue or asrValue String Entity value (or ASR value) associated with the processing items

Local recovery behavior

Represents a local recovery behavior for handling collection events such as no match, max no match.

Elements of a local recovery behavior object literal
Element Type Description
id String UUID of the local behavior
event String Event ID—nomatch1-prompt, for example
escalationLevel Number Deprecated (event includes the escalation level)
processingItems Processing item group object Processing items to perform
disabledChannelIds Array of strings UUIDs of the channels for which the behavior is disabled at this node for the specified event
nodeId String UUID of the node
processingItemsId String UUID of processingItems
  Local recovery behavior example  

Local confirmation behavior

Represents a local behavior for handling confirmation events, such as a no match, a positive or negative response to a confirmation prompt.

Elements of a local confirmation behavior object literal
Element Type Description
id String UUID of the local behavior
event String Event ID—yes-prompt, for example
processingItems Processing item group object Processing items to perform
disabledChannelIds Array of strings UUIDs of the channels for which the behavior is disabled at this node for the specified event
nodeId String UUID of the node
processingItemsId String UUID of processingItems
  Local confirmation behavior example  

Interactive element

Represents an element the user can click to answer a question.

Elements of an interactive element object literal
Element Type Description
id String UUID of the interactive element
order Number Sequence number of the interactive element
entityValue String Value collected for the entity when a user clicks this element
clickableDescription String Description of the interactive element—optional
imageUrl String Link (URL or relative path) for an image to show on the interactive element—optional if label is specified
label String Text label for the interactive element—optional if imageUrl is specified
channel String Channel for the interactive element
language String Language of the interactive element, as a 4-letter language code (for example, en-US)—refer to Geographies for the list of languages available in the current version of Nuance Mix
enabled Boolean true if the interactive element is enabled; otherwise, false
entityId String UUID of the global command entity, if this interactive element is for a local command override; otherwise, UUID of the entity being collected at this question and answer node
  Interactive element example (a Yes button)  


Represents formatting information to pass to the client application for messages and interactive elements in question and answer nodes, and for messages in message nodes and in data access nodes.

Elements of a view object literal
Element Type Description
name String Type of message or interactive element (such as Buttons, List, or Carousel)
style String Name of a class or inline CSS code to format the message or the interactive elements

DTMF mapping

Represents the mapping between a DTMF key and a value of the entity to collect at this node—or a value of the global command entity (for a local command override).

Elements of a DTMF mapping object literal
Element Type Description
id String UUID of the mapping
nodeId String UUID of the node
channelId String UUID of the channel for the mapping
dtmfValue String DTMF key being mapped
entityValue String Entity value being mapped
entityId String UUID of the global command entity, if this mapping is for a local command override; otherwise, UUID of the entity being collected at this question and answer node
  DTMF mapping example  

Node setting override

Represents an override to the global settings defaults for a specific question and answer node, for a message node, or for a data access node.

Elements of a node setting override object literal
Element Type Description
id String UUID of the setting override
nodeId String UUID of the node
channelId String UUID of the channel for the override
value String Override value
settingName String Name of the setting
language String Language to which the override applies, as a 4-letter language code (for example, en-US)—refer to Geographies for the list of languages available in the current version of Nuance Mix
  Node setting override example  

Local command override

Represents the local handling for a value of the global command entity at this node.

Elements of a local command override object literal
Element Type Description
id String UUID of the override
nodeId String UUID of the node
entityId String UUID of the global command entity (same as globalCommandsEntityId in Project)
entityValue String Entity value being overridden
processingItems Processing item group object Processing items to perform
enabled Boolean true if local handling is enabled for the specified value of the global command entity; otherwise, false
processingItemsId String UUID of processingItems
  Local command override example