
Represents a variable used in the project.

Elements of a variable object literal
Element Type Description
id String UUID of the variable (or SYS_VAR_channel for the predefined variable channel)
name String Name of the variable (see Naming guidelines)
description String Description of the variable (maximum 255 characters)
possibleValues Array of strings Valid values for the variable—Not yet supported in Mix.dialog
uiDefaultValue String Value to be used during preview in Mix.dialog
isReserved Boolean true for reserved variables; otherwise, false
masked Boolean true for sensitive variables to be masked in application logs; otherwise, false
reportingType String One of the supported reporting properties
simpleVariableType String Only present for defined simple variables; one of the supported variable types
simpleGenericType String Only present for variables where simpleVariableType is LIST_TYPE; indicates the type of the items in the list
complexGenericTypeId String Only present for variables where simpleVariableType is LIST_TYPE, and the list items are complex variables; UUID of the schema for the items in the list
complexVariableTypeId String Only present for complex variables; UUID of the schema for this complex variable
timestamp String Date and time of the last modification, in this format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ssZ—for example, 2019-08-21T08:34:27Z
  Variable example  

Supported variable types

Dialog models support these types of variables:

Types of variables
Value Type
ALPHANUM_TYPE String of alphanumeric characters
DIGITS_TYPE String of digits
DECIMAL_TYPE Decimal-point number
AMOUNT_TYPE Amount, including currency (example: “USD 234.56”)
DATE_TYPE Date, in this format: YYYYMMDD (example: “20201030”)
TIME_TYPE Time, in this format: HHMM (example: “2359”)
DISTANCE_TYPE Distance, including unit and modifier (example: “123.4567 km LT”)
TEMPERATURE_TYPE Temperature, including unit (examples: “-12.3 C”, “273.15 K”)
DYNAMIC_ENTITY_DATA Dynamic entity data—not supported for list items and schema fields

Supported reporting properties

Variables in dialog models support these reporting properties:

Reporting properties for variables
Value Description
REPORTING_TYPE_NONE Not marked with a reporting property (default), or marked as sensitive (if masked is also true)
ATTRIBUTE_TYPE Marked as an attribute—Supported for simple variables only
METRIC_TYPE Marked as a metric—Supported for simple variables only
DIMENSION_TYPE Marked as a dimension—Supported for simple variables only


Represents a complex variable schema in the project.

Elements of a schema object literal
Element Type Description
id String UUID of the schema
name String Name of the schema (see Naming guidelines)
description String Description of the schema (maximum 255 characters)
fields Array of variables One or more variables
isReserved Boolean True for a reserved schema (for example, DynamicMessageReference); otherwise, false
  Schema example