Open the Project Settings panel
On the Options menu, choose Settings.
Global settings define common functionality such as error recovery and command handling. They determine how your application handles commands and events, and they define confirmation and recovery behaviors.
Use the Project Settings panel to configure global behaviors for your whole project, and overrides for specific channels and for specific entities in your project.
On the Options menu, choose Settings.
Levels at which you can configure settings and behaviors, and their order of precedence.
Categories by which settings are organized in the Project Settings panel (at the global level, or at channel-specific levels), and under the advanced properties of question and answer nodes.
Configure confidence thresholds, TTS voices, recovery messages, and confirmation messages.
Define your global command entity and, for each command event you want to support, map the corresponding value.
Specify speech or DTMF grammar references, if needed, to support global commands for a VoiceXML application.
Specify grammar references, if needed, to support speech and DTMF confirmation interactions for a VoiceXML application.
Create a variable directly from the search field at the top of the variables list.