Sample synthesis client for Neural TTSaaS

Neural TTSaaS offers a fully functional Python client that you may download and use on Linux or Windows to synthesize speech using the Synthesizer gRPC API for Neural TTSaaS.

To run this client, you need:

Download the zip file to Linux or Windows and extract the files into the same directory as the nuance directory, which contains your proto files and Python stubs.

On Linux, give the shell script execute permission with chmod +x. For example:

chmod +x
  Python synthesis client:  

These are the resulting client files, in the same directory as the nuance directory.

├── run-client.bat
└── nuance
    └── tts
        └── v1 
            └── synthesizer.proto 

You can use the client to check for available voices and/or request synthesis. Here are a few scenarios you can try.

Get help

For a quick check that the client is working, and to see the arguments it accepts, run it on Linux or Windows using the help (-h or --help) option.

See the results below and notice:

  • -s or --serverUrl: The URL of the service. The sample run script specifies the Mix service,, on its default port, 443.

  • Authorization: Include --oauthURL, --clientID, and --clientSecret. Alternatively, use the (hidden) --token argument. See Authorize.

  • --neural: Include this argument to send the request to Neural TTSaaS. The client adds the x-nuance-tts-neural header as it calls the service, which directs the request to Neural TTSaaS instead of TTSaaS.

  • -f or --files: The name of the input file to use for the request. The default is

The results are the same on Linux and Windows:

python3 --help 

usage: [-options]

  -h, --help                       Show this help message and exit
  --appid [appID:client-id]        Not used
  -f file [file ...], --files file [file ...] List of flow files to execute sequentially,
  -p, --parallel                   Run each flow in a separate thread
  -i [num], --iterations [num]     Number of times to run the list of files, default=1
  --infinite                       Run all files infinitely (overrides number of
  -t [num], --timeoutSeconds [num] Timeout in seconds for every RPC call, default=30
  -s [url], --serverUrl [url]      NVC server URL, default=localhost:8080
  --oauthURL [url]                 OAuth 2.0 URL
  --clientRequestID [id]           Client-generated request ID
  --clientID [url]                 OAuth 2.0 Client ID
  --clientSecret [url]             OAuth 2.0 Client Secret
  --oauthScope [url]               OAuth 2.0 Scope, default=tts
  --secure                         Connect to the server using a secure gRPC channel
  --rootCerts [file]               Not used
  --privateKey [file]              Not used
  --certChain [file]               Not used
  --audioDir [dir]                 Audio output directory, default=./audio
  --saveAudio                      Save whole audio to disk
  --saveAudioChunks                Save each individual audio chunk to disk
  --saveAudioAsWav                 Save each audio file in the WAVE format
  --jaeger [addr]                  Not used
  --sendUnary                      Not used
  --sendHTTP                       Not used
  --maxReceiveSizeMB [megabytes]   Maximum length of gRPC server response in megabytes,
                                   default=50 MB
  --neural                         Send the request to Neural TTS, if available. 

Input files

The sample client includes two input files, and These files provide an easy way to customize the client without editing the main file.

You’ll learn more about these input files in the following sections.

Synthesize text input

In this first scenario, use the default input file to ask Neural TTSaaS to synthesize a text string using SynthesisRequest and save the resulting audio in a wave file.

  1. Edit the run script, or run-client.bat, to add your Mix client ID and secret. (See Authorize for details.)

    CLIENT_ID=<Mix client ID, starting with appID:>
    SECRET=<Mix client secret>
    # Change colons (:) to %3A in client ID
    python3 --oauthURL \
    --clientID $CLIENT_ID --clientSecret $SECRET \
    --secure --serverUrl --neural --saveAudio --saveAudioAsWav
     @echo off
    setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
    set CLIENT_ID=<Mix client ID, starting with appID:>
    set SECRET=<Mix client secret>
    rem Change colons (:) to %3A in client ID
    set CLIENT_ID=!CLIENT_ID::=%%3A!
    python --oauthURL ^
    --clientID %CLIENT_ID% --clientSecret %SECRET% ^
    --secure --serverUrl --neural --saveAudio --saveAudioAsWav

    Notice the --neural argument. This adds the x-nuance-tts-neural header, which directs the request to Neural TTSaaS instead of TTSaaS.

    Also notice the --saveAudio and --saveAudioAsWav arguments. These save the synthesized result as a wave file. There is no need to include the --files argument since is the default input filename.

  2. Open the input file,, and notice the two sections:

    # GetVoices request asks for information about the JennyNeural voice.
    # Synthesis request requests the same voice and provides input text to synthesize.

    from nuance.tts.v1.synthesizer_pb2 import *
    list_of_requests = []
    # GetVoices request
    request = GetVoicesRequest() = "en-US-JennyNeural" 
    #request.voice.language = "en-US"
    #request.voice.gender = EnumGender.FEMALE
    # Add request to list
    # ---
    # Synthesis request
    request = SynthesisRequest() = "en-US-JennyNeural" 
    pcm = PCM(sample_rate_hz=16000)
    request.input.text.text = "This is a test, a very simple test."
    #request.input.ssml.text = . . .
    #request.user_id = "MyApplicationUser"
    #request.client_data["company"] = "My Company"
    #request.client_data["user"] = "My User Name"   
    # Add request to list
    # ---
  3. Run the client using the script or batch file:


The client first sends a GetVoicesRequest, which returns information about the JennyNeural voice.

It then sends a SynthesisRequest to turn the text into speech using the same voice, and creates a file named flow.py_i1_s1.wav in the default --audioDir location, ./audio. The WAV file contains the voice of Jenny saying “This is a test, a very simple test.”

These are the results. Some lines are omitted for brevity.

2023-10-26 16:48:16,111 (139817866266432) INFO  Obtaining auth token 
2023-10-26 16:48:16,476 (139817866266432) DEBUG Creating secure gRPC channel
2023-10-26 16:48:16,483 (139817866266432) INFO  Running file []
2023-10-26 16:48:16,483 (139817866266432) DEBUG [voice {
  name: "en-US-JennyNeural"
, voice {
  name: "en-US-JennyNeural"
input {
  text {
    text: "This is a test, a very simple test."
2023-10-26 16:48:16,483 (139817866266432) INFO  Sending GetVoices request
2023-10-26 16:48:16,483 (139817866266432) INFO  Adding x-nuance-tts-neural header
2023-10-26 16:48:16,615 (139817866266432) INFO  voices {
  name: "en-US-JennyNeural"
  model: "neural"
  language: "en-US"
  gender: FEMALE
  sample_rate_hz: 24000
  styles: "assistant"
  styles: "chat"
  styles: "customerservice"
  styles: "newscast"
  styles: "angry"
  styles: "cheerful"
  styles: "sad"
  styles: "excited"
  styles: "friendly"
  styles: "terrified"
  styles: "shouting"
  styles: "unfriendly"
  styles: "whispering"
  styles: "hopeful"

2023-10-26 16:48:16,616 (139817866266432) INFO  Adding x-nuance-tts-neural header
2023-10-26 16:48:16,616 (139817866266432) INFO  Sending Synthesis request
2023-10-26 16:48:16,897 (139817866266432) INFO  Received audio: 62842 bytes
2023-10-26 16:48:16,897 (139817866266432) INFO  Received audio: 30870 bytes
2023-10-26 16:48:16,898 (139817866266432) INFO  Received audio: 66 bytes
2023-10-26 16:48:16,898 (139817866266432) INFO  Received status response: SUCCESS
2023-10-26 16:48:16,899 (139817866266432) INFO  Wrote audio to ./audio/flow.py_i1_s1.wav
2023-10-26 16:48:16,899 (139817866266432) INFO  Done running file []
2023-10-26 16:48:16,900 (139817866266432) INFO  Done

Change text and voice

Optionally change the voice and the input text in the synthesis request, and rerun the client. (To learn what other voices are available, see Get voices below.) For example:

# Synthesis request = "en-US-ChristopherNeural"

request.input.text.text = "Your coffee will be ready in 5 minutes."

Include metadata

You may include metadata that will be included in event logs. Uncomment the following lines in the sample file and add your own values for user_id and one or more client_data key-value pairs

request.user_id = "MyApplicationUser"

request.client_data["company"] = "My Company"
request.client_data["user"] = "My User Name" 

The information is shown in the results:

2023-10-26 16:52:59,572 (140255182530368) DEBUG [voice {
  name: "en-US-JennyNeural"
, voice {
  name: "en-US-JennyNeural"
input {
  text {
    text: "This is a test, a very simple test."
client_data {
  key: "company"
  value: "My Company"
client_data {
  key: "user"
  value: "My User Name"
user_id: "MyApplicationUser"

Synthesize SSML input

You may provide SSML input instead of plain text.

  1. Edit to disable the request.input.text.text line and enable request.input.ssml.text.

    Optionally remove the enclosing <speak> </speak> element in the SSML as Neural TTSaaS will add it automatically.

    from nuance.tts.v1.synthesizer_pb2 import *
    list_of_requests = []
    # Synthesis request
    request = SynthesisRequest() = "en-US-JennyNeural"
    pcm = PCM(sample_rate_hz=16000)
    #request.input.text.text = "This is a test, a very simple test."
    request.input.ssml.text = '''<speak version="1.0" xmlns="" xml:lang="en-US">
    <voice name="en-US-JennyNeural">Hello, it's Jenny.</voice>
    <voice name="en-US-AriaNeural">Hi, it's Aria.</voice>
    # Add request to list
  2. Run the client as before.


The client sends a SynthesisRequest to turn the SSML text into speech. It creates a file named flow.py_i1_s1.wav containing the speech: Jenny saying “Hello, it’s Jenny,” followed by Aria saying “Hi, it’s Aria.”

These are the results. (Some lines are omitted for brevity.)

2022-12-13 09:45:07,272 (140618171987776) INFO  Obtaining auth token
2022-12-13 09:45:07,642 (140618171987776) DEBUG Creating secure gRPC channel
2022-12-13 09:45:07,649 (140618171987776) INFO  Running file []
2022-12-13 09:45:07,649 (140618171987776) DEBUG [voice {
  name: "en-US-JennyNeural"
, voice {
  name: "en-US-JennyNeural"
audio_params {
  audio_format {
    pcm {
      sample_rate_hz: 16000
input {
  ssml {
    text: "<speak version=\"1.0\" xmlns=\"\" xml:lang=\"en-US\">\n<voice name=\"en-US-JennyNeural\">Hello, it\'s Jenny.</voice>\n<voice name=\"en-US-AriaNeural\">Hi, it\'s Aria.</voice>\n</speak>"
2022-12-13 09:45:07,649 (140618171987776) INFO  Sending GetVoices request
2022-12-13 09:45:07,649 (140618171987776) INFO  Adding x-nuance-tts-neural header
2022-12-13 09:45:08,049 (140618171987776) INFO  voices {
  name: "en-US-JennyNeural"

2022-12-13 09:45:08,050 (140618171987776) INFO  Adding x-nuance-tts-neural header
2022-12-13 09:45:08,050 (140618171987776) INFO  Sending Synthesis request
2022-12-13 09:45:08,373 (140618171987776) INFO  Received audio: 34358 bytes
2022-12-13 09:45:08,400 (140618171987776) INFO  Received audio: 25642 bytes
2022-12-13 09:45:08,467 (140618171987776) INFO  Received audio: 34358 bytes
2022-12-13 09:45:08,468 (140618171987776) INFO  Received audio: 24842 bytes
2022-12-13 09:45:08,469 (140618171987776) INFO  Received status response: SUCCESS
2022-12-13 09:45:08,470 (140618171987776) INFO  Wrote audio to ./audio/flow.py_i1_s1.wav
2022-12-13 09:45:08,470 (140618171987776) INFO  Done running file []
2022-12-13 09:45:08,471 (140618171987776) INFO  Done

For more SSML examples, including how to add lexicons and prerecorded audio, see Reference topics: Input to synthesize and SSML elements.

Get voices

When you ask Neural TTSaaS to synthesize text, you must specify a named voice. To learn which voices are available, send a GetVoicesRequest, entering your requirements in the input file.

  1. Make sure your run script, or run-client.bat, contains your Mix client ID and secret. (See Authorize for details.)

  2. Edit the input file,, to request American English female voices. This combination of options returns voices that are both American English and female. Optionally turn off synthesis for this request.

    from nuance.tts.v1.synthesizer_pb2 import *
    list_of_requests = []
    # GetVoices request
    request = GetVoicesRequest() = "en-US-JennyNeural"
    request.voice.language = "en-US"           # Request American English voices
    request.voice.gender = EnumGender.FEMALE   # Request female voices
    # Add request to list
    list_of_requests.append(request)           # Make sure voice request is enabled
    # Synthesis request
    # Add request to list
    #list_of_requests.append(request)          # Disable synthesis request
  3. Run the client using the script or batch file:


The results include all female American English voices available. Neural TTSaaS returns the following information for each voice:

  • All voices include the voice name, model (usually “neural”), language code, gender, and audio sampling rate.
  • Voices that support expression styles return a list of styles that you may include in SSML input. See Voice style.
  • The Jenny multilingual voice returns the languages other than English (“foreign_languages”) that this voice supports. See Multilingual voice.

These are the American English female voices in the results:

2022-12-13 09:50:12,489 (140290220357440) INFO  Obtaining auth token 
2022-12-13 09:50:12,769 (140290220357440) DEBUG Creating secure gRPC channel
2022-12-13 09:50:12,775 (140290220357440) INFO  Running file []
2022-12-13 09:50:12,775 (140290220357440) DEBUG [voice {
  language: "en-US"
  gender: FEMALE
2022-12-13 09:50:12,776 (140290220357440) INFO  Sending GetVoices request
2022-12-13 09:50:12,776 (140290220357440) INFO  Adding x-nuance-tts-neural header
2022-12-13 09:50:13,223 (140290220357440) INFO  voices {
  name: "en-US-JennyNeural"
  model: "neural"
  language: "en-US"
  gender: FEMALE
  sample_rate_hz: 24000
  styles: "assistant"
  styles: "chat"
  styles: "customerservice"
  styles: "newscast"
  styles: "angry"
  styles: "cheerful"
  styles: "sad"
  styles: "excited"
  styles: "friendly"
  styles: "terrified"
  styles: "shouting"
  styles: "unfriendly"
  styles: "whispering"
  styles: "hopeful"
voices {
  name: "en-US-JennyMultilingualNeural"
  model: "neural"
  language: "en-US"
  gender: FEMALE
  sample_rate_hz: 24000
  foreign_languages: "de-DE"
  foreign_languages: "en-AU"
  foreign_languages: "en-CA"
  foreign_languages: "en-GB"
  foreign_languages: "es-ES"
  foreign_languages: "es-MX"
  foreign_languages: "fr-CA"
  foreign_languages: "fr-FR"
  foreign_languages: "it-IT"
  foreign_languages: "ja-JP"
  foreign_languages: "ko-KR"
  foreign_languages: "pt-BR"
  foreign_languages: "zh-CN"
voices {
  name: "en-US-AmberNeural"
  model: "neural"
  language: "en-US"
  gender: FEMALE
  sample_rate_hz: 24000
voices {
  name: "en-US-AnaNeural"
  model: "neural"
  language: "en-US"
  gender: FEMALE
  sample_rate_hz: 24000
voices {
  name: "en-US-AriaNeural"
  model: "neural"
  language: "en-US"
  gender: FEMALE
  sample_rate_hz: 24000
  styles: "chat"
  styles: "customerservice"
  styles: "narration-professional"
  styles: "newscast-casual"
  styles: "newscast-formal"
  styles: "cheerful"
  styles: "empathetic"
  styles: "angry"
  styles: "sad"
  styles: "excited"
  styles: "friendly"
  styles: "terrified"
  styles: "shouting"
  styles: "unfriendly"
  styles: "whispering"
  styles: "hopeful"
... Voices omitted here ...

2022-12-13 09:50:13,223 (140290220357440) INFO  Done running file []
2022-12-13 09:50:13,227 (140290220357440) INFO  Done

Get more voices

You can experiment with this request by commenting and uncommenting the request.voice lines in your file. For example, uncomment only the language line to see all American English voices, or change the language to es-ES, for example, to see Spanish voices.

# GetVoices request
request = GetVoicesRequest() = "en-US-JennyNeural"
request.voice.language = "en-US"         # Or try "es-ES", "en-GB", or "zh-CN"
#request.voice.gender = EnumGender.FEMALE

Or, to see all available voices, comment out all request.voice lines, leaving only the main GetVoicesRequest.

# GetVoices request
request = GetVoicesRequest()             # Keep only this line to see all voices = "en-US-JennyNeural"
#request.voice.language = "en-US"
#request.voice.gender = EnumGender.FEMALE

Redirect results to file

If you request a large number of voices, you may wish to save the output to a file. For example, this requests all voices and saves them to a text file.

$ ./ &> all-voices.txt
$ ls *.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 xxx xxx 60185 Apr 17 14:57 all-voices.txt
$ cat all-voices.txt
>run-client.bat > all-voices.txt 2>&1

>dir *.txt
2023-04-17  11:15 AM            63,498 all-voices.txt

Multiple requests

You can send multiple requests for synthesis (and/or get voices) in the same session. For efficient communication with Neural TTSaaS, all requests use the same channel and stub. This scenario sends three synthesis requests.

  1. Use the input file, which contains three synthesis requests, with a pause between each one.

    from nuance.tts.v1.synthesizer_pb2 import *
     list_of_requests = []
     # Synthesis request 
     request = SynthesisRequest()         # First request = "en-US-JennyNeural"
     pcm = PCM(sample_rate_hz=22050)
     request.input.text.text = "This is a test. A very simple test."
     list_of_requests.append(2)           # Optionally pause after request
     # Synthesis request 
     request = SynthesisRequest()         # Second request = "en-US-JennyNeural" 
     pcm = PCM(sample_rate_hz=22050)
     request.input.text.text = "Your coffee will be ready in 5 minutes."
     list_of_requests.append(2)           # Optionally pause after request 
     # Synthesis request 
     request = SynthesisRequest()         # Third request = "en-US-ChristopherNeural"
     pcm = PCM(sample_rate_hz=22050)
     request.input.text.text = "The wind was a torrent of darkness, among the gusty trees."
  2. Edit the script or batch file to include the --file argument pointing to

    python3 --oauthURL \
    --clientID $CLIENT_ID --clientSecret $SECRET \
    --secure --serverUrl --neural\
    --saveAudio --saveAudioAsWav --file 
  3. Run the client using the script or batch file.


See the results below and notice the three audio files created:

  • flow.py_i1_s1.wav: Jenny saying: “This is a test, a very simple test.”
  • flow.py_i1_s2.wav: Jenny saying: “Your coffee will be ready in five minutes.”
  • flow.py_i1_s3.wav: Christopher saying: “The wind was a torrent of darkness, among the gusty trees.”

These are the results from multiple synthesis requests:

2022-12-13 15:33:11,048 (139787073779520) INFO  Obtaining auth token
2022-12-13 15:33:11,449 (139787073779520) DEBUG Creating secure gRPC channel
2022-12-13 15:33:11,454 (139787073779520) INFO  Running file []
2022-12-13 15:33:11,454 (139787073779520) DEBUG [voice {
  name: "en-US-JennyNeural"
audio_params {
  audio_format {
    pcm {
      sample_rate_hz: 22050
input {
  text {
    text: "This is a test, a very simple test."
, 2, voice {
  name: "en-US-JennyNeural"
audio_params {
  audio_format {
    pcm {
      sample_rate_hz: 22050
input {
  text {
    text: "Your coffee will be ready in 5 minutes."
, 2, voice {
  name: "en-US-ChristopherNeural"
audio_params {
  audio_format {
    pcm {
      sample_rate_hz: 22050
input {
  text {
    text: "The wind was a torrent of darkness, among the gusty trees."
2022-12-13 15:33:11,455 (139787073779520) INFO  Adding x-nuance-tts-neural header
2022-12-13 15:33:11,455 (139787073779520) INFO  Sending Synthesis request
2022-12-13 15:33:11,966 (139787073779520) INFO  Received audio: 55058 bytes
2022-12-13 15:33:11,992 (139787073779520) INFO  Received audio: 55126 bytes
2022-12-13 15:33:11,994 (139787073779520) INFO  Received audio: 7716 bytes
2022-12-13 15:33:11,995 (139787073779520) INFO  Received audio: 30870 bytes
2022-12-13 15:33:11,995 (139787073779520) INFO  Received audio: 66 bytes
2022-12-13 15:33:11,996 (139787073779520) INFO  Received status response: SUCCESS
2022-12-13 15:33:11,997 (139787073779520) INFO  Wrote audio to ./audio/flow-multi.py_i1_s1.wav
2022-12-13 15:33:11,997 (139787073779520) INFO  Waiting for 2 seconds

2022-12-13 15:33:14,000 (139787073779520) INFO  Adding x-nuance-tts-neural header
2022-12-13 15:33:14,000 (139787073779520) INFO  Sending Synthesis request
2022-12-13 15:33:14,378 (139787073779520) INFO  Received audio: 55058 bytes
2022-12-13 15:33:14,404 (139787073779520) INFO  Received audio: 47958 bytes
2022-12-13 15:33:14,405 (139787073779520) INFO  Received audio: 30870 bytes
2022-12-13 15:33:14,405 (139787073779520) INFO  Received audio: 66 bytes
2022-12-13 15:33:14,406 (139787073779520) INFO  Received status response: SUCCESS
2022-12-13 15:33:14,407 (139787073779520) INFO  Wrote audio to ./audio/flow-multi.py_i1_s2.wav
2022-12-13 15:33:14,407 (139787073779520) INFO  Waiting for 2 seconds

2022-12-13 15:33:16,410 (139787073779520) INFO  Adding x-nuance-tts-neural header
2022-12-13 15:33:16,410 (139787073779520) INFO  Sending Synthesis request
2022-12-13 15:33:16,905 (139787073779520) INFO  Received audio: 55058 bytes
2022-12-13 15:33:16,933 (139787073779520) INFO  Received audio: 55126 bytes
2022-12-13 15:33:16,934 (139787073779520) INFO  Received audio: 48510 bytes
2022-12-13 15:33:16,934 (139787073779520) INFO  Received audio: 30870 bytes
2022-12-13 15:33:16,935 (139787073779520) INFO  Received audio: 66 bytes
2022-12-13 15:33:16,935 (139787073779520) INFO  Received status response: SUCCESS
2022-12-13 15:33:16,936 (139787073779520) INFO  Wrote audio to ./audio/flow-multi.py_i1_s3.wav
2022-12-13 15:33:16,936 (139787073779520) INFO  Done running file []
2022-12-13 15:33:16,939 (139787073779520) INFO  Done