Manage variables

Variables are named objects that store values to be used in the applications you build from your dialog project. For example, you can use a variable:

  • To hold a value returned from a database lookup.
  • To hold a value returned by a recognition engine.
  • As a placeholder in a message—for example, to produce a dynamic message at runtime, with the variable holding a value that depends on something the user said.
  • In a logical condition, to determine the course of a dialog flow, or which action to perform in a node.

Use the Variables resource panel, to manage your variables (simple and complex), and the schemas for your complex variables.

Categories in the Variables resource panel

Describes the purpose of each section of the Variables resource panel.

Variable data types

Data types for variables and schema fields; compatibility between variables and entities; supported methods for variables in assignments, conditional expressions or message annotations.

Predefined variables and schemas

Describes the predefined variables and schemas in Mix.dialog.

Reporting properties

Properties that determine how certain variables are used in reports or logs.

Variable operations

Configure simple and complex variables to store values for the applications you build from your dialog project.