Intent mapper node

The intent mapper node handles data for NLU/call routing menus. In a node object literal, the intent mapper node element is identified with this key: intentMapperNode2.

Elements of an intent mapper node object literal
Element Type Description
name String Name of the node (see Naming guidelines)
description String Description of the node (maximum 1000 characters)
intentMappings Array of node intent mappings Intent mappings specific to this intent mapper node (override any corresponding global intent mappings)
transition Transition object Specifies what happens when the dialog flow returns from a mapped component after the interaction associated with a specific intent is complete
transitionId String UUID of the transition to perform upon return from a mapped component
timestamp String Date and time of the last modification, in this format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ssZ—for example, 2019-08-21T08:34:27Z
  Intent mapper node example  

Node intent mapping

Represents the local mapping of one intent to a component or node set in an intent mapper node.

Elements of a local intent mapping object literal
Element Type Description
id String UUID of the mapping
nodeId String UUID of the Intent mapper node
intentId String UUID of the intent being mapped
destination Mapping destination object Key-value pair mapping the intent and a component or node
  Node intent mapping example  

Node intent mapping destination

Dialog models support these destination types for node-level intent mapping overrides:

Types of destinations for node-level intent mappings
Element key Value type Description
componentId String UUID of a component
nodeId String UUID of a node
  Intent mapping destination example