Runtime gRPC API
The Runtime gRPC API contains methods for requesting interpretation of the meaning of text.
NLU as a Service provides these protocol buffer (.proto) files to define the Runtime NLU service for gRPC. These files contain the building blocks for the runtime of your NLU applications:
- runtime.proto defines the main services and messages to request interpretation.
- result.proto defines the result.
- multi-intent-interpretation.proto defines multi-intent interpretations.
- single-intent-interpretation.proto defines single-intent interpretations.
- interpretation-common.proto defines additional items.
Once you have transformed the proto files into functions and classes in your programming language using gRPC tools, you can call these functions from your client application to start interpreting plain text or results from ASR as a Service.
See Runtime app development for a sample using Python. For other languages, consult the consult the gRPC and protocol buffer documentation.
Try out this API using a Sample NLU runtime client that you can download and run.Proto file structure
The proto files define an RPC service with an Interpret method containing an InterpretRequest and InterpretResponse. Details about each component are referenced by name within the proto file.
Runtime service
Runtime interpretation service. Use the Interpret method to request an interpretation.
Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description |
Interpret | InterpretRequest | InterpretResponse | Starts an interpretation request and returns a response. |
The input to interpret, with parameters, model, extra resources, and client tags to customize the interpretation. Included in Runtime service.
Field | Type | Description |
parameters | InterpretationParameters | Parameters for the interpretation. |
model | ResourceReference | Mandatory. Semantic model to perform the interpretation. |
resources | InterpretationResource | Repeated. Resources to customize the interpretation. |
client_data | string,string | Key, value pairs to log. |
user_id | string | Identifies a particular user within an application. |
input | InterpretationInput | Mandatory. Input to interpret. |
This message includes:
parameters InterpretationParameters
interpretation_result_type (EnumInterpretationResultType)
interpretation_input_logging_mode (EnumInterpretationInputLoggingMode)
model (ResourceReference)
resources (InterpretationResource)
input (InterpretationInput)
InterpretRequest example:
interpret_req = InterpretRequest(
Optional parameters controlling the interpretation. Included in InterpretRequest.
Field | Type | Description |
interpretation_result_type | EnumInterpretation ResultType | Format of interpretation result. Default is SINGLE_INTENT. |
interpretation_input_logging_mode | EnumInterpretation InputLoggingMode | Format for input in the call logs. Default is PLAINTEXT. |
max_interpretations | uint32 | Maximum interpretations for the result. Default is 0 for the NLU server’s configured setting. |
This message includes:
interpretation_result_type (EnumInterpretationResultType)
interpretation_input_logging_mode (EnumInterpretationInputLoggingMode)
InterpretationParameters example:
params = InterpretationParameters(
Format of interpretations result. Included in InterpretationParameters.
Name | Number | Description |
UNKNOWN | 0 | Default. Same as SINGLE_INTENT. |
SINGLE_INTENT | 1 | Always return a single-intent interpretation. |
MULTI_INTENT | 2 | Always return multi-intent interpretation. |
Format for input in the diagnostic logs. Included in InterpretationParameters.
Name | Number | Description |
PLAINTEXT | 0 | Default. Log the literal text of the input. |
SUPPRESSED | 9 | Input is replaced with “value suppressed.” |
Parameters to fetch an external resource. Included in InterpretRequest and InterpretationResource.
Field | Type | Description |
type | EnumResourceType | Resource type. |
uri | string | URN for the resource. |
request_timeout_ms | uint32 | Time, in milliseconds, to wait for a response from the hosting server. Default is 0 for the NLU server’s configured setting. |
headers | string,string | Map of headers to transmit to the server hosting the resource. May include max_age, max_stale, max_fresh, cookies. |
This message includes:
InterpretRequest | InterpretationResource
type (EnumResourceType)
ResourceReference example:
options.add_argument('--modelUrn', nargs="?",
help="NLU Model URN")
. . .
# Reference the model via the app config
model = ResourceReference(
Specifies a semantic model or wordset. Included in ResourceReference. Use the default, UNDEFINED_RESOURCE_TYPE, to determine the type from the content-type header returned by the resource’s server.
Name | Number | Description |
UNDEFINED_RESOURCE_TYPE | 0 | Default. Use the content-type header from the resource’s server to determine the type. |
SEMANTIC_MODEL | 1 | A semantic model from Mix.nlu. |
WORDSET | 2 | Currently unsupported. Use InterpretationResource–inline_wordset. |
COMPILED_WORDSET | 3 | A compiled wordset associated to a specific semantic model. |
A resource to customize the interpretation. Included in InterpretRequest.
Field | Type | Description |
One of | ||
external_reference | ResourceReference | External resource. |
inline_wordset | string | Inline wordset, in JSON. See Wordsets. |
This message includes:
external_reference (ResourceReference)
Input to interpret. Included in InterpretRequest. Use either text or the result from ASR as a Service.
Field | Type | Description |
One of | ||
text | string | Text input. |
asr_result | nuance.asr.v1.RecognitionResponse | RecognitionResponse from ASR as a Service. |
This message includes:
InterpretationInput example:
def parse_args():
options.add_argument("--textInput", metavar="file", nargs="?",
help="Text to perform interpretation on")
. . .
input = InterpretationInput(
The interpretation result. Included in Runtime service.
Field | Type | Description |
status | Status | Whether the request was successful. A 200 code means success, while other values indicate an error. |
result | InterpretResult | The result of the interpretation. |
This message includes:
status (Status)
result (InterpretResult)
interpretations (Interpretation)
A Status message indicates either that the request was successful or reports errors that occurred during the request. Included in InterpretResponse.
Field | Type | Description |
code | uint32 | HTTP status code . A 200 code means success, with or without warnings while other values indicate an error. |
message | string | Brief text meaning of the status code. |
details | string | In the case of an error or warning, includes a longer description of the nature of the issue. |
Result of interpretation. Contains the input literal and one or more interpretations. Included in InterpretResponse.
For examples, see Interpretation results: Intents and Interpretation results: Entities.
Field | Type | Description |
literal | string | Input used for interpretation. For text input, this is always the raw input text. For input coming from ASR as a Service results, this gives a concatenation of the audio tokens, separated by spaces, in minimally formatted text format. For example, “Pay five hundred dollars.” |
formatted_literal | string | The formatted input literal. For input coming from ASR as a Service results, this is the text representation of the ASR result, but with formatted text. For example, “Pay $500.” When the input for interpretation is text, this is the same as literal. |
interpretations | Interpretation | Repeated. Candidate interpretations of the input. |
sensitive | bool | Indicates whether the literal contains entities flagged as sensitive. Sensitive entities are masked in call logs. |
This message includes:
interpretations (Interpretation)
Candidate interpretation of the input. Included in InterpretResult.
The interpret request specifies the type of interpretation: either single-intent or multi-intent (see interpretation_result_type in InterpretationParameters). Multi-intent interpretation requires a semantic model that is enabled for multi-intent (not currently supported in Mix.nlu).
See Interpretation results: Intents for details and more examples.Field | Type | Description |
One of | ||
single_intent_interpretation | SingleIntentInterpretation | The result contains one intent. |
multi_intent_interpretation | MultiIntentInterpretation | The result contains multiple intents. This choice requires a multi-intent semantic model, which is not currently supported in Nuance-hosted NLUaaS. |
This message includes:
single_intent_interpretation (SingleIntentInterpretation)
multi_intent_interpretation (MultiIntentInterpretation)
Single-intent interpretation results. Included in Interpretation. Theses results include one or more alternative intents, complete with entities if they occur in the text. Each intent is shown with a confidence score and indicates whether the match was done from a grammar file or an SSM (statistical) file.
Field | Type | Description |
intent | string | Intent name as specified in the semantic model. |
confidence | float | Confidence score (between 0.0 and 1.0 inclusive). The higher the score, the likelier the detected intent is correct. |
origin | EnumOrigin | How the intent was detected. |
entities | string,SingleIntentEntityList | Map of entity names to lists of entities: key, entity list. |
This message includes:
origin (EnumOrigin)
entities (key,SingleIntentEntityList)
entity (SingleIntentEntity)
In this example, single intent interpretation returns the most likely intent, PLACE_ORDER, and an alternative, PAY_BILL, with a much lower confidence level:
"result": {
"literal": "I'd like to place an order",
"formatted_literal": "I'd like to place an order",
"interpretations": [
"single_intent_interpretation": {
"intent": "PLACE_ORDER",
"confidence": 0.9941431283950806,
"origin": "STATISTICAL"
"single_intent_interpretation": {
"intent": "PAY_BILL",
"confidence": 0.0019808802753686905,
"origin": "STATISTICAL"
Origin of an intent or entity. Included in SingleIntentInterpretation, SingleIntentEntity, IntentNode, and EntityNode.
Name | Number | Description |
UNKNOWN | 0 | |
GRAMMAR | 1 | Determined from an exact match with a grammar file in the model. |
STATISTICAL | 2 | Determined statistically from the SSM file in the model. |
List of entities. Included in SingleIntentInterpretation.
Field | Type | Description |
entities | SingleIntentEntity | Repeated. An entity match in the intent, for single-intent interpretation. |
Entity in the intent. Included in SingleIntentEntityList.
Field | Type | Description |
text_range | TextRange | Range of literal text for which this entity applies. |
formatted_text_range | TextRange | Range of the formatted literal text for which this entity applies. When the input for interpretation comes from an ASR result, this may be absent if there is misalignment. |
confidence | float | Confidence score between 0.0 and 1.0 inclusive. The higher the score, the likelier the entity detection is correct. |
origin | EnumOrigin | How the entity was detected. |
entities | string, SingleIntentEntityList | For hierarchical entities, the child entities of the entity: key, entity list. |
One of | ||
string_value | string | The canonical value as a string. |
struct_value | google.protobuf. Struct | The entity value as an object. This object may be directly converted to a JSON representation. |
literal | string | The input literal associated with this entity. For text input, this is the raw input text. For input coming from ASR results, this is in minimally formatted text format. |
formatted_literal | string | The formatted input literal associated with the entity. When the input for interpretation is text, this is the same as literal. |
sensitive | bool | Indicates whether the entity has been flagged as sensitive. Sensitive entities are masked in call logs. |
audio_range | AudioRange | Range of audio input this operator applies to. Available only when interpreting a recognition result from ASR as a Service. |
This message includes:
text_range (TextRange)
formatted_text_range (TextRange)
origin (EnumOrigin)
entities (key, SingleIntentEntityList)
audio_range (AudioRange)
In this example, single intent interpretation returns the single intent, PLACE_ORDER, with entity FLAVOR: strawberry and PRODUCT: cheesecake
"result": {
"literal": "I want to order a strawberry cheesecake",
"formatted_literal": "I want to order a strawberry cheesecake",
"interpretations": [
"single_intent_interpretation": {
"intent": "PLACE_ORDER",
"confidence": 0.9987062215805054,
"origin": "STATISTICAL",
"entities": {
"entities": [
"text_range": {
"start_index": 18,
"end_index": 28
"formatted_text_range": {
"start_index": 18,
"end_index": 28
"confidence": 0.9648909568786621,
"origin": "STATISTICAL",
"string_value": "strawberry",
"literal": "strawberry",
"formatted_literal": "strawberry"
"entities": [
"text_range": {
"start_index": 29,
"end_index": 39
"formatted_text_range": {
"start_index": 29,
"end_index": 39
"confidence": 0.9585300087928772,
"origin": "STATISTICAL",
"string_value": "cheesecake",
"literal": "cheesecake",
"formatted_literal": "cheesecake",
Range of text in the input literal. Included in SingleIntentEntity, OperatorNode, IntentNode, and EntityNode.
Field | Type | Description |
start_index | uint32 | Inclusive, 0-based character position, in relation to literal text. |
end_index | uint32 | Exclusive, 0-based character position, in relation to literal text. |
Range of time in the input audio. Included in SingleIntentEntity, OperatorNode, IntentNode, and EntityNode. Available only when interpreting a recognition result from ASR as a Service.
Field | Type | Description |
start_time_ms | uint32 | Inclusive start time in milliseconds. |
end_time_ms | uint32 | Exclusive end time in milliseconds. |
Multi-intent interpretation. Contains a tree of nodes representing the detected operators, intents, and entities and their associations. Included in Interpretation.
Multi-intent interpretation may be requested without error, but it is not currently supported as it requires a multi-intent semantic model, not yet available in Mix. When requesting multi-intent interpretation against a single-intent model, the results contain the same information as a single-intent interpretation, but formatted slightly differently: the root of the multi-intent interpretation contains the intent.
Field | Type | Description |
root | InterpretationNode | Root node of the interpretation tree. Can be either OperatorNode or IntentNode. |
This message includes:
root (InterpretationNode)
In this example, multi-intent interpretation against a standard semantic model returns just one intent for each candidate in the “root” object:
"result": {
"literal": "Price list and place order",
"formatted_literal": "Price list and place order",
"interpretations": [
"multi_intent_intepretation": {
"root": {
"intent": {
"name": "GET_INFO",
"text_range": {
"end_index": 26
"formatted_text_range": {
"end_index": 26
"confidence": 0.8738054037094116,
"origin": "STATISTICAL"
"multi_intent_intepretation": {
"root": {
"intent": {
"name": "PLACE_ORDER",
"text_range": {
"end_index": 26
"formatted_text_range": {
"end_index": 26
"confidence": 0.08993412554264069,
"origin": "STATISTICAL"
Node in the interpretation tree. Included in MultiIntentInterpretation.
Field | Type | Description |
One of | ||
operator | OperatorNode | The relationship of the intents or entities. |
intent | IntentNode | The intents detected in the user input. |
entity | EntityNode | The entities in the intent. |
This message includes:
operator (OperatorNode)
intent (IntentNode)
entity (EntityNode)
Logical operator node. Included in InterpretationNode.
Field | Type | Description |
operator | EnumOperator | Type of operator. |
text_range | TextRange | Range of the literal text this operator applies to. |
formatted_text_range | TextRange | Range of the formatted literal text this operator applies to. When the input for interpretation is an ASR result, this may be absent if there is misalignment. |
children | InterpretationNode | Repeated. Child nodes for this operator. An operator node always has children. |
literal | string | The input literal associated with this operator. For text input, this is the raw input text. For input coming from ASR as a Service results, this is in minimally formatted text format. |
formatted_literal | string | The formatted input literal associated with this operator. When the input for interpretation is text, this is the same as literal. |
sensitive | bool | Indicates whether a child entity of this operator node has been flagged as sensitive. Sensitive entities are masked in call logs. |
audio_range | AudioRange | Range of audio input this operator applies to. Available only when interpreting a recognition result from ASR as a Service. |
This message includes:
operator (EnumOperator)
text_range (TextRange)
formatted_text_range (TextRange)
children (InterpretationNode)
audio_range (AudioRange)
Logical operator type, AND, OR, or NOT. Included in OperatorNode.
Name | Number | Description |
AND | 0 | The following item is an additional intent or entity. |
OR | 1 | The following item is an alternative intent or entity. |
NOT | 2 | The following item is not detected. |
Node representing an intent. Included in InterpretationNode.
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Intent name as specified in the semantic model. |
text_range | TextRange | Range of literal text this intent applies to. |
formatted_text_range | TextRange | Range of the formatted literal text this operator applies to. When the input for interpretation is an ASR result, this may be absent if there is misalignment. |
confidence | float | Confidence score between 0.0 and 1.0 inclusive. The higher the score, the likelier the detected intent is correct. |
origin | EnumOrigin | How the intent was detected. |
children | InterpretationNode | Repeated. Child nodes for this intent. An intent node has zero or more child nodes. |
literal | string | The input literal associated with this intent. For text input, this is the raw input text. For input coming from ASR as a Service results, this is in minimally formatted text format. |
formatted_literal | string | The formatted input literal associated with this intent. When the input for interpretation is text, this is the same as literal. |
sensitive | bool | Indicates whether a child entity of this intent node has been flagged as sensitive. Sensitive entities are masked in call logs. |
audio_range | AudioRange | Range of audio input this operator applies to. Available only when interpreting a recognition result from ASR as a Service. |
This message includes:
text_range (TextRange)
formatted_text_range (TextRange)
origin (EnumOrigin)
children (InterpretationNode)
audio_range (AudioRange)
Node representing an entity. Included in InterpretationNode.
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Entity name as specified in the semantic model. |
text_range | TextRange | Range of literal text this intent applies to. |
formatted_text_range | TextRange | Range of the formatted literal text this operator applies to. When the input for interpretation is an ASR result, this may be absent if there is misalignment. |
confidence | float | Confidence score between 0.0 and 1.0 inclusive. The higher the score, the likelier the detected entity is correct. |
origin | EnumOrigin | How the intent was detected. |
children | InterpretationNode | Repeated. Child nodes for this entity. A hierarchical entity node can have child entity and operator nodes. Entity nodes currently never have intent nodes as children. |
One of | ||
string_value | string | The value of the entity as specified in the semantic model. |
struct_value | google. protobuf.Struct | Structured data, ready to convert to a JSON representation. |
literal | string | The input literal associated with this entity. For text input, this is the raw input text. For input coming from ASR results, this is in minimally formatted text format. |
formatted_literal | string | The formatted input literal associated with this entity. When the input for interpretation is text, this is the same as literal. |
sensitive | bool | Indicates whether the entity has been flagged as sensitive. Sensitive entities are masked in call logs. |
audio_range | AudioRange | Range of audio input this operator applies to. Available only when interpreting a recognition result from ASR as a Service. |
This message includes:
text_range (TextRange)
formatted_text_range (TextRange)
origin (EnumOrigin)
children (InterpretationNode)
audio_range (AudioRange)
Scalar value types
The data types in the proto files are mapped to equivalent types in the generated client stub files.
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