
Represents a group of nodes that make up a flow in the project.

Elements of a component object literal
Element Type Description
id String Unique ID of the component
name String Name of the component (see Naming guidelines)
description String “intent” if the component is an intent component; otherwise, empty
nodes Array of nodes Nodes in the component
eventHandlers Array of event handlers Global event handlers, if in Main; component-level event handlers, in other components
intentId String UUID of the intent that is mapped to the component, if this is an intent component; otherwise, empty
timestamp String Date and time of the last modification, in this format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ssZ—for example, 2019-08-21T08:34:27Z
  Component example (intent component)  

Event handler

Represents a global event handler, if in Main; a component-level event handler, if in another component; or a node-level event handler, if in a node.

Elements of a global event handler object literal
Element Type Description
id String UUID of the event handler
eventId String UUID of the event to handle
transition Transition object Transition to perform when the specified event is thrown
transitionId String UUID of the transition to perform
reserved Boolean true, if the handler is for a predefined event; otherwise, false
componentId String For global and component-level event handlers: UUID of the component
nodeId String Only in node-level event handlers: UUID of the node
  Event handler example  


Represents a node in a component.

Elements of a node object literal
Element Type Description
id String UUID of the node
parentComponentId String UUID of the parent component
node type content Object The key for this field specifies one of the supported node types, and the value is content specific to a node of that type
eventHandlers Array of event handlers Node-level event handlers—override component-level event handlers, and global event handlers
  Node example  

Supported node types

Dialog models support these types of nodes:

Types of nodes for node object literals
Element key Node type
recognitionNode2 Question and answer node
messageNode Message node
decisionNode Decision node
dataAccessNode Data access node
controllerNode Question router node
intentMapperNode2 Intent mapper node
componentNode Component call node
startNode Start or Enter node
externalactionNode External actions node
endNode End node—deprecated
transferNode Transfer node—deprecated