
Represents a dialog design. In the JSON representation of a dialog design, the project element is identified with this key: data.

Elements of a project object literal
Element Type Description
id String Unique identifier for the project
name String Name of the project
defaultLocale String Default locale for the project, as a 4-letter language code (for example, en-US)—refer to Geographies for the list of languages available in the current version of Mix
supportedLocales Array of strings Supported locales for the project, as 4-letter language codes—refer to Geographies for the list of languages available in the current version of Mix
connectorColors Object Deprecated
baseServiceUrl String Base application URL—for example,
staticProjectId String ID of the master project, used to link different versions of a project
version String Version number of the project
supportedChannels Array of channels Standard channels to be used to interact with the system (for example, IVR, Web, SMS)
supportedCustomChannels Array Deprecated
richTextChannels Array Deprecated
globalConfirmations Array of confirmations Global and default confirmation behaviors
components Array of components Components in the project
recovery Array of recovery handling objects Global and channel-specific recovery handling
variables Array of variables Variables used in the project
complexVariableTypes Array of schemas Complex variable schemas in the project
promptGroups Array of prompt groups Messages used in the project
parentId String ID of the parent project
ontologyId String UUID of the ontology used for this dialog project
ontology Object Intents and entities for this dialog project
globalSettings Array Deprecated (superseded by globalSettingOverrides)
backendConfig Array of backend connection presets Backend connection presets for the project
upgradeVersion Number Internal version number used as a reference for upgrading the dialog model upon import, to include new features as they become available
events Array of events Global and custom events in the project
globalCommandsEntityId String UUID of the entity used to store a command from the user
globalCommands Array of commands Global commands defined in the project
dressAliases Array of data host aliases Data host aliases
globalSettingOverrides Array of global setting overrides Overrides to the default global settings for the project
ndfVersion String Version of the Dialog runtime service to target when building the application—Future use
projectIntentMappings Array of project intent mapping objects Global mappings from intents to components
enginePackVersion String Engine pack version for projects in self-hosted Mix environments (default is hosted; assumed to be hosted if not specified)—Do not change
environmentConfigurations Array of environment configurations Default base URL for external grammars if specified for the project; otherwise empty
versionTimestamp String Creation date and time for this project version, in this format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ssZ—for example, 2019-08-21T08:34:27Z
lastModified String Date and time of the last modification, in this format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ssZ—for example, 2019-10-17T20:55:38.488Z
  Project object literal example  

See Sample file to download a complete example.


Represents a communication channel used to interact with the system (for example, IVR, Web, SMS).

Elements of a channel object literal
Element Type Description
id String Unique ID of the channel
displayName String Name of the channel—Default is a reserved name for the combination of all channels in a project
codeName String Deprecated
modes Array Deprecated
disabled Boolean true if the channel is disabled; otherwise, false
connectorColor String Color code for the channel (for example, #31B96E)
channelModes Array of modalities Modalities available for messages in this channel
lastModified String Date and time of the last modification
  Channel example  


Represents a modality in a channel.

Element Type Description
id String UUID of the modality
channelId String UUID of the channel
name String One of the supported output modalities or input modalities
disabled Boolean true if the modality is disabled; otherwise, false
lastModified String Date and time of the last modification

Supported system output modalities

Dialog applications support these modalities for system messages:

Modalities for system messages
Value Description
Rich Text For messages that can be displayed on a screen (can include HTML or other markup for communication channels that support rich text)
TTS For messages to be spoken using speech synthesis
Audio Script To specify recorded audio files to play, as well as backup text to be rendered using text-to-speech (TTS) when the audio file is not available

Supported user input modalities

Self-hosted environments: The ability to explicitly enable and disable speech input (Voice) and text input (Text) requires engine pack 2.3 (or later) for Speech Suite deployments; engine pack 3.11 (or later) for self-hosted Mix deployments.

Dialog applications support these modalities for user input:

Modalities for user input
Value Description
Text To support text input
Interactivity To support input via interactive elements, such as buttons and links
Voice To support speech input
DTMF To support Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency tones


Represents a global confirmation behavior.

Elements of a global confirmation behavior object literal
Element Type Description
id String UUID of the confirmation behavior
globalValue String Deprecated
confirmationRecoveryBehaviors Array of recovery behaviors Error handling for the confirmation behavior
entityType String Information type for this confirmation behavior—one of: DEFAULT, ALPHANUM, DIGITS, DATE, TIME, CURRENCY, YESNO
channelId String UUID of the channel

Recovery handling

Represent a global (default) or channel-specific error recovery handling.

Elements of a global or channel-specific recovery handling object literal
Element Type Description
id String UUID of the recovery behavior
globalValue String Deprecated
RecoveryBehaviors Array of recovery behaviors Error handling for the recovery behavior
channelId String UUID of the channel

Recovery behavior

Represents a global or channel-specific recovery behavior for confirmation or error recovery handling.

Elements of a global or channel-specific recovery behavior object literal
Element Type Description
event String Event ID—nomatch1-pre-prompt, nomatch1-prompt, yes-prompt, no-prompt, for example
escalationLevel Number Deprecated (event includes the escalation level)
processingItemsList Processing item group object Processing items to perform
enabled Boolean true if the global recovery behavior is enabled; otherwise, false
  Recovery behavior example  


Represents an event in the project.

Elements of a event object literal
Element Type Description
id String UUID of the event
eventString String The event to throw—for example, event.nuance.dialog.escalate
uiString String Display name of the event—for example, Escalate (see Naming guidelines)
throwable Boolean true if the event can be used in a throw action; otherwise, false
reserved Boolean true for predefined events; false for custom events
  Global command event example  
  Global event example  
  Custom event example  


Represents a global command in the project.

Elements of a global command object literal
Element Type Description
id String UUID of the command
entityValue String Global command entity value to invoke the command
event Event object Event thrown when this command is invoked
dtmfValue String DTMF value to invoke the command
projectLevelEnabled Boolean true if the command is enabled in this project; otherwise, false
disabledNodeIds Array Nodes where this command is disabled—Future use
disabledComponentIds Array Components where this command is disabled—Future use
timestamp String Date and time of the last modification, in this format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ssZ—for example, 2019-08-21T08:34:27Z
  Global command example  

Global setting override

Represents an override to the global settings defaults in the project.

Elements of a global setting override object literal
Element Type Description
id String UUID of the setting override
settingName String Name of the setting
channelId String UUID of the channel for the override
value String Override value
language String Language to which the override applies, as a 4-letter language code (for example, en-US)—refer to Geographies for the list of languages available in the current version of Mix
entityId String For an entity-level setting override: UUID of the entity to which the override applies; otherwise, empty
  Global setting override example  

Project intent mapping

Represents the global mapping of one intent to a component. Intent mapper nodes inherit these global mappings and can override them if needed.

Elements of a global intent mapping object literal
Element Type Description
id String UUID of the mapping
intentId String UUID of the intent being mapped
destination Object Key-value pair where the key is componentId and the value is the UUID of the component to which the intent is mapped
  Project intent mapping example  

Environment configuration

In the JSON representation of dialog designs, environment configurations are currently limited to a single element: the default base URL for external grammars, if specified for the project. See Reference external grammars for more information.

Elements of an environment configuration object literal
Element Type Description
label String GRAMMAR_BASE_PATH if the project is configured with a default base URL for external grammars
value String Default base URL for external grammars—for example, http://myfileserver:9000
  Environment configuration example  

Backend connection preset

Represents a backend connection preset to be applied to a data access node for server-side integration.

Elements of a backend connection preset object literal
Element Type Description
id String UUID of the preset
name String Name of the preset
urlExtension String URL extension (maximum 2000 characters)
fetchTimeout Number Fetch timeout in milliseconds (default: 0)
connectTimeout Number Connection timeout in milliseconds (default: 0)
method String Method; one of: POST, GET, PUT, DELETE, PATCH, NOT_SET (default)
dressName String Deprecated (superseded by dressAliasId)
headers Array of headers Headers used to query the backend system
dressAliasId String Numeric ID of the connection profile for the backend system
  Backend connection preset example  

Data host alias

Represents a data host alias for server-side integration.

Elements of a data host alias object literal
Element Type Description
id String Numeric ID of the connection profile for the backend system
alias String Alias name for a web service used for backend access in a server-side integration
defaultValue String Default URL for the alias (optional)
  Data host alias example